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DaisukeKigurou (Offline)
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Does Japan Have harsh language - 02-04-2011, 03:04 PM

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I had a talk with my brothers friend, which I know is a bad idea in it'self. The guy says he is interested in japan, but more or less shows that this is untrue. The guy is Xenophobic and only shows how much he hates Japan and how he puts america on a pedestal. But that is not why I am here,

Last night, he had a rant about Japans language and how ONLY americans and Germans have harsh language. Then he started to contradict himself has is little bitch fit went on.

My question is, is this true, Japan doesn't have harsh language?

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(#2 (permalink))
Maxful (Offline)
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02-04-2011, 03:14 PM

I believe all lauguages come with bad (vulgar) words.

Bad Japanese Words


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(#3 (permalink))
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02-04-2011, 03:39 PM

As far as I heard in the past 10 years, Italian has way far more bad words than English.
The thing is not having them or not, but the difference is if they are used.

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(#4 (permalink))
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02-04-2011, 03:46 PM

come on. russian is the most colourful i know.
best part is that by using these words they actually communicate rather well - specially like people who work on buildings - just pure insults in order to have someone pass something or to simply say something.
dai menja eto huj!
sto? eto?
net. blad, vot tuda etot huj.
i love all of those saying - there are several for each special moment in your life - suka, pridurak, zajebal, naxuj, pizgets etc... and no - english language doesn't have any words that can rival them.
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(#5 (permalink))
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02-04-2011, 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by evanny View Post
come on. russian is the most colourful i know.
best part is that by using these words they actually communicate rather well - specially like people who work on buildings - just pure insults in order to have someone pass something or to simply say something.
dai menja eto huj!
sto? eto?
net. blad, vot tuda etot huj.
i love all of those saying - there are several for each special moment in your life - suka, pridurak, zajebal, naxuj, pizgets etc... and no - english language doesn't have any words that can rival them.
Haha, I knew about "huj"—one of my Russian friends told me it's the only word in any language that his dad would beat him for using. (Assuming it sounds like the English "hue.")

Spanish has its fair share, too. "hijo de puta," "Chingar tu madre" "joder" "tirar" etc.
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02-04-2011, 05:01 PM

Can I just state a point? Remind me what language American's speak? Oh yeah. ENGLISH!!!! It infuriates me when its made to sound like its 'their' language. At least give it it's proper name, American English. I'd give you a bit of Scots English, but would probably get banned for it & for being 'aggresive' [/RANT]

To answer your question, every language has it's bad words

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02-04-2011, 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
Haha, I knew about "huj"—one of my Russian friends told me it's the only word in any language that his dad would beat him for using. (Assuming it sounds like the English "hue.")

Spanish has its fair share, too. "hijo de puta," "Chingar tu madre" "joder" "tirar" etc.
yes. huj is the magic word. by definition it would mean penis, but actuality it has many other perverted versions to express ones attitude towards something. nahuj, pohuj (my favorite), sasi huj and others that i probably would not be able to even comprehend.
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(#8 (permalink))
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02-04-2011, 05:40 PM

Originally Posted by JamboP26 View Post
Can I just state a point? Remind me what language American's speak? Oh yeah. ENGLISH!!!! It infuriates me when its made to sound like its 'their' language. At least give it it's proper name, American English. I'd give you a bit of Scots English, but would probably get banned for it & for being 'aggresive' [/RANT]

To answer your question, every language has it's bad words
I don't think OP was saying English belongs to Americans. I read it more as "Britons have eloquent speech; Americans have disgusting sailor mouths."
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02-04-2011, 07:15 PM

I think it is more the use you make, more than number of words...even though in my language I could easily fill a book with them LOL.
For example. I guess you all know the city of Venice. In that area it is very normal for people to cuss the name of God every other phrase.
In my town Milan, it is very common to use the English "C" word to refer to a pretty girl and in Italian language there is a word very commonly used (I used to use it in front of my parents too) which is without "C" word to mean to be unlucky.

As I said, we all have bad words, but we have to see how they get integrated into everyday's life.

降り注ぐ雨 マジで冷てぇ
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02-04-2011, 08:03 PM

Originally Posted by DaisukeKigurou View Post
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My question is, is this true, Japan doesn't have harsh language?
Read your link and you will see it is pretty tame.

In Japanese it isn't the words as much as how they are said. A word like "omae" which an adult might use with a child can be translated to something near profanity when used as a fighting word. Same word, different usage.

People ask all the time "How do you say 'F*** you'" in Japanese," and it isn't an easy question to answer because there are no words like that.
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