A Lesson on Concurrent Events/Actions -
03-04-2011, 06:32 AM
You know the drill. Same book, same translator. I received help from masaegu on a couple finer points.
時間的同時性 Concurrent Actions
"If you do ~, during that time, ..."
Used when something you did not anticipate happens at the same time as something else you do.
ずっと本を読んでいて急に立ち上がったとたん、めまい がしました。
I was reading a book for a long time, and as soon as I stood up, I experienced vertigo.
私が「さようなら」と言ったとたん、彼女は泣き出した 。
Just as I said "sayonara," my girlfriend burst into tears.
"If ~ occurs and soon after ..."
Used when you want to say something occurs directly after something else occurs.
Instead of 思うと、思ったら is OK.
Usage: たform of a verb+(か)と思うと
空で何かピカッと光ったかと思うと、ドーンと大きな音 がして地面が揺れた。
As soon as there was some kind of sparkle in the sky, there was a loud booming sound and the ground shook.
あの子はやっと勉強を始めたと思ったら、もういねむり をしている。
No sooner did that child finally start studying, then she fell asleep.
Similar to the two examples above, except this is more like two events occurring simultaneously, or one occurring before the other has fully completed.
子供は「おやすみなさい」と言ったか言わないかのうち に、もう眠ってしまった。
As the child was saying "good night," she fell asleep.
彼はいつも終了のベルが鳴ったか鳴らないかのうちに、 教室を飛び出して行く。
He always dashes from the classroom as the final bell is ringing.
NOTE: The preceding three examples, since they describe actual occurrences, cannot be used with command, negative, aspirational, etc. forms of verbs.
When you want to convey your will that some event occur immediately after another event has finished.
Usage: pre-masu form or noun +次第
「スケジュールが決まり次第、すぐ知らせてください。 」
"Once your schedule has been decided, please let me know."
Once the materials have been prepared, I will bring them to the conference room.
新しい実験室がもうすぐできる。完成次第、器具類のテ ストを始める予定だ。
The new testing room will soon be finished. Upon its completion, we plan to have an instrumentation test [there].
When you want to say "directly after ~ occured, something occurs"
Same meaning as 〜か〜ないかのうちに
Usage: Dictionary form or ta-form+早いか
Using ta-form places more emphasis on the rapidity of the second event.
小田先生はチャイムが鳴るが早いか、教室に入って来ま す。
As soon as the chime rings, Prof. Oda enters the classroom.
その警察官は遠くに犯人らしい姿を見つけるが早いか、 追いかけて行った。
The second that police officer saw a person looking like the criminal, he took off in pursuit.
Means the same thing as 〜が早いか and 〜か〜ないかのうちに
Often, the following event is a reaction to the preceding event, and it is unexpected.
Note that the additional 否や serves to emphasize the rapidity of the second event.
Usage: dictionary form +や否や
そのニュースが伝わるや否や、たちまちテレビ局に抗議 の電話がかかってきた。
As soon as the news got out, protesting phone calls came to the TV station.
よし子は部屋に入って来るや、「変なにおいがする」と 言って窓を開け放した。
As soon as Yoshiko entered her room, she said "there's a weird smell" and threw her window open.
Used when you want to say an unusual action followed another action.
Usage: dictionary form+なり
The child looked at his mother's face, and burst into tears.
彼はしばらく電話で話していたが、とつぜん受話器を置 くなり飛び出して行った。
He was talking on the telephone for a while, but all of a sudden he put down the receiver and took off running/fled.
Used to mean "Even though X happened, Z happened after that."
Usage: Dictionary or ta-form+そばから
小さい子供は、お母さんが洗濯するそばから、服を汚し てしまいます。
No sooner does a mother do the laundry, then the child dirties the clothes.
もっと若いうちに語学を勉強すべきだった。今は習った そばから忘れてしまう。
When I was younger I of course studied language. Now, despite learning it, I will soon forget it.