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(#1 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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A Lesson on Additions (追加) for 中・上級 Learners - 03-09-2011, 07:59 PM

About one third done with the book. Enjoy!

Thanks to masaegu for the corrections!

付加 Additions


Increases in the same direction as something is already going. Often used as a reason when a situation/case is introduced. (Tough to explain in English, but you will see in the examples.)

昨日の試験は問題も難しければ量も多かったので、苦労 しました。
Yesterday's test was not only difficult, but voluminous, so I had much trouble.

あしたは数学の試験もあればレポートも提出しなければ ならないので、今晩は寝られそうもない。
Tomorrow I have not only a math test but also must present a report, so tonight I am afraid I will not get to sleep.

This structure may also be used to show there are different types of things:

オレンジにはいろいろな種類がある。バレンシアもあれ ば、ネーブルもある。
There are various kinds of oranges. There are not only valencias, but also navels.

Life is not only happiness but bitterness.

Increases in the same direction as something is already going. Has the feeling of "~. Also, ~."
Do not follow this structure with a command, prohibition, request, or invitation.

Usage: RTSSG+うえ(に)

I got lost on the road last night, and I got rained on, so it was [a] difficult [night for me].

This machine is simple to operate, and also small-form so easy to use.

Means "~ is a natural thing and goes without saying"

As well as review, you must also prepare [for class].

浅草という町は日曜、祭日はもちろん、ウイークデーも にぎやかだ。
Asakusa is, in addition to on Sundays and holidays, full of life on weekdays.

It means "~ is a natural thing, and something else is, too"
Similar in meaning to 〜はもちろん, but this structure is more literary or for writing.

数学は、自然科学や社会科学はもとよりどんな方面に進 む人にとっても重要だ。
Mathematics, in addition to the natural and social sciences, is important to people advancing into whichever field.

アジアでは、日本はもとより、多くの国がこの大会の成 果に期待している。
In Asia, not only Japan, but many countries have hopes for the outcome of this summit.

Used when you want to say that with something that has persisted up to now, a different yet similar thing will also be added.

Usage: Noun+に加えて

台風が近づくにつれ、大雨に加えて風も強くなってきた 。
As the typhoon approached, there was not only heavy rains but also strong winds.

今学期から日本語の授業に加えて、英語と数学の授業も 始まります。
Starting this semester, in addition to my Japanese class, I will begin taking English and math classes.

Used to say that while something is typical of a situation, something else will also now be true.
You can express a person's surprise or dissatisfaction with something by using particles such as も、さえ、まで.
You cannot use this structure with commands, requests, prohibitions, invitations to the addressee.

In my house, we not only do not have videos, but we also do not have a TV.

今度の天災のために、家財はおろか家まで失ってしまっ た。
Due to the recent natural disaster, we didn't lose only our household items, but also our house.

Used when you want to say ~ is indispensible, but something else is, too.
Used in writing and business.

子供の心を傷つける要因として、「いじめ」の問題もさ ることながら、不安定な社会そのものの影響も無視でき ない。
As a cause of psychological harm to children, not only the "bullying" problem, but also the effects of social instability cannot be ignored.

最近は、世界の政治や宗教の問題もさることながら、人 権問題も多くの人の注目を集めている。
Recently many people have placed in the spotlight not only world government and religious issues, but also human rights issues.

Has the meaning of some thing, and another separate thing augmenting it, causing some result.
Used in writing and business.

Usage: noun+と相まって

彼の才能は人一倍の努力と相まって、みごとに花を咲か せた。
His talent bears fruit with the addition of extra effort.

日本の山の多い地形が、島国という環境と相まって、日 本人の性格を形成しているのかもしれない。
Japan's mountainous topography and additionally its island country surroundings might have shaped the personality of the Japanese people.

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 03-10-2011 at 11:56 PM.
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(#2 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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03-10-2011, 01:32 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
This machine is simple to operate, and also small-form so easy to use.
機会 = an opportunity

台風が近づくにつれ、大雨に加えて風も強くなってきた 。
As the typhoon approaches, there will be not only heavy rains but also strong winds.

彼の才能は人一倍の努力と相まって、みごとに花を咲か せた。
He made flowers grow splendidly with his talent alongside extra effort.
You make it sound like it's about growing flowers.
花を咲かせる is being used an idiom there.

日本の山の多い地形が、島国という環境と相まって、日 本人の性格を形成しているのかもしれない。
Japan's mountainous topography might have formed not only its island country surroundings, but also the personality of the Japanese people.
Somehow you are not getting the structure.

You are reading it as one thing leading to two results.
Rather, it's two things causing one result.
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(#3 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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03-10-2011, 11:58 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
機会 = an opportunity


You make it sound like it's about growing flowers.
花を咲かせる is being used an idiom there.

Somehow you are not getting the structure.

You are reading it as one thing leading to two results.
Rather, it's two things causing one result.
Thanks for the corrections. I hope my edits have fixed the problems. I chose to translate 花を咲かせる as "bear fruit," which is idiomatically similar in English.

As for the last sentence, I changed it to read that the mountainous terrain and status as an island nation are perhaps responsible for the personality of Japanese people.

機械 as 機会 was a frequent typo on my part, sadly, and I seem to overlook some tense issues occasionally. Thanks for catching those!
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