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(#11 (permalink))
hardingmd (Offline)
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06-29-2011, 09:45 PM

Thanks for all the feedback. It seems obvious that I can't use the name and that the basis on which I chose the name is flawed.
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(#12 (permalink))
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06-29-2011, 09:54 PM

清廉 seiren

the point at issue
Siren - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please permit poor English. orz
Cryptanalysis is necessary for you.
set a goal:English at the same level as Johan Cruyff
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(#13 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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06-29-2011, 11:36 PM

What about calling it something like "ringo" and then having a red apple shape as the logo? "Ringo" is an easy name to learn, everyone in the English-speaking world knows how to pronounce it (just like the Beatle's name), and since it's not a music company, you don't have to worry about getting sued by Apple Corps for using a Beatles company name and a Beatles member in your name/logo.

I dunno, just an idea. It's kind of cute, and given that the trend in IT is toward cute, minimalist, shiny logos, I think it works.

But I'm just making crap up right now. I just like the word "ringo." You might even use a Japanese-style apple drawing (basically a circle with a line for the stem coming out, instead of the traditional Western "apple-butt" shape.

Japanese apple on left; Western on right.

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(#14 (permalink))
hardingmd (Offline)
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06-30-2011, 10:03 AM

Originally Posted by siokan View Post
清廉 seiren

the point at issue
Siren - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thanks. This was actually my first choice. Unfortunately when you google Seiren, there are articles on the first page for erotic comments, deviant art and lingerie! Plus セーレン株式会社 | SEIREN is taken and that's important too...

Not easy...
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(#15 (permalink))
hardingmd (Offline)
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06-30-2011, 10:05 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
What about calling it something like "ringo" and then having a red apple shape as the logo? "Ringo" is an easy name to learn, everyone in the English-speaking world knows how to pronounce it (just like the Beatle's name), and since it's not a music company, you don't have to worry about getting sued by Apple Corps for using a Beatles company name and a Beatles member in your name/logo.

I dunno, just an idea. It's kind of cute, and given that the trend in IT is toward cute, minimalist, shiny logos, I think it works.

But I'm just making crap up right now. I just like the word "ringo." You might even use a Japanese-style apple drawing (basically a circle with a line for the stem coming out, instead of the traditional Western "apple-butt" shape.

Japanese apple on left; Western on right.

The Japanese apple looks a bit like a bomb cartoon style!

Unfortunately common words like "ringo" are quickly snapped up as companies and there is already going to be a "Ringo Limited" and also a www.ringo.com.

This is why it's so tough to come up with a name. I've thought of several good ones but unfortunately someone else has first!
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(#16 (permalink))
hardingmd (Offline)
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07-01-2011, 04:36 PM

So, I've had different feedback from people and although the general consensus is that the name has negative connotations in Japanese, how would you react as a Japanese person if you had the option of dealing with a company called "Sessou"?

Assuming that no explanation was given of the origin of the name, would you automatically register the negative meaning of the word or would it be meaningless? I actually like the word regardless of the meaning.
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(#17 (permalink))
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07-01-2011, 09:06 PM

As to your question about meaninglessness, I'm not a native speaker, but I would instantly recognize it as a Japanese word. Unfortunately, it's not a word I am well-acquainted with, so I can't tell you if I'd register the negative meaning.

Given what the natives have said in this thread, it's probably a safe bet that they'd register the negative meaning.
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(#18 (permalink))
Supperman (Offline)
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07-03-2011, 01:04 AM


I think "sessou"(節操) is all right.

It is true that 節操 is often used as a negative sentence as 節操がない
(There is no 節操), but

it is also use as an affirmative sentence as 節操を貫く (keep 節操).

I don't think it has connotation of sexual behavior, either.
If you change it to 貞操(teisou), it is very bad for a company's name.
For example, 貞操帯 means "chastity belt".
貞操 is strongly referring to the sexual behavior, though 節操 is more general word.
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(#19 (permalink))
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07-03-2011, 01:26 AM

Why not reduce it to Sesso and just have it "derived" from the Japanese word?

As "Sesso" - I wouldn`t immediately recognize it as being Japanese, and it would be hard to pronounce (sess-oh).

There is really no need for it to be a real word, correct? Just modify it to fit with what looks good to you.

Sesso would strike me as a normal sounding company name, and for some reason even seems kind of tech-related.

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(#20 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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07-03-2011, 07:18 PM

Provided "sesso" doesn't mean "butt" or anything in Italian (it looks Italian to me), I think that's a great idea!
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