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(#1 (permalink))
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Japanese translation help and book question - 07-11-2011, 01:26 AM

Hello everyone!
I have been trying to read Japanese and I have run into a few stumbling blocks. Some of these have kanji I can’t make out, some have grammar that confuses me, and some are just really tiny! If you can make any of these out would you be kind enough to post a translation of them so I can see if I was close to getting it right or not? I would be very grateful!


Also this brings up an interesting question for me, maybe one of you knows the answer. I have been looking for a while for a really good Japanese onomatopoeia book. I’m sure there must be one out there some where but I have been having trouble finding one that had a lot of information in it and yet was still easy to understand. Can any of you think of a book like this?
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(#2 (permalink))
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07-11-2011, 05:15 AM

I looked at the first and transcribed a few panels quickly: 1. ここまで1分

2.can't make out the kanji



5. 彼の間合いのギリギリを頭に_き込みなさい

6. 何言ってん

7-8 no kanji, and I stopped there.

As for onomatopoeia, you probably want to know the word gitaigo 擬態語, which is a mimetic word. It's stuff like じろじろと見る, meaning "to stare." じろじろ is not an actual sound, so it's not an onomatopoeia ("giongo," 擬音語).

I can't recommend an actual resource, but google around for a gitaigo and giongo dictionary. There's bound to be a really good one out there.
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(#3 (permalink))
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07-11-2011, 06:00 AM

Oh… um, I’m sorry maybe I wasn’t very clear. I have already gone through these Japanese snippets and done my best to figure out the kanji and to interpret what the English equivalent of the sentence would be. I was just hoping some one with more Japanese knowledge than me would give them a look and try to tell me what they think the English is so I could see if I guessed the kanji correctly and managed the grammar right.

For instance 2.) I thought was ンなに速いもンかあ!? In this case I really don’t know what to make of the ン in the front of the sentence.

But thanks for trying and for telling me about gitaigo. That might help narrow down the search a great deal!
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(#4 (permalink))
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07-11-2011, 08:15 AM

As far as 擬態語 go, you could take a look at this spread sheet:

Source: Kanji lists, Joyo, non-joyo etc. (Sticky topic) - Reviewing the Kanji - Learning Japanese

Maybe it will help you out.
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(#5 (permalink))
SumireSatoh (Offline)
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07-13-2011, 05:22 PM

「そ」is omitted just before the first「ン」.

6)「ああ?何言ってんかわかんねーぞ!」=「ああ?何� ��を)言ってんだか、分からねえぞ」=「ああ?何をい� ��ているのか、わからないぞ」Huh? I don't know what you're saying/I can't hear what you're saying.

7)「つちつく・・・しょオオ」=「っちっくしょおお」� ��「ちくしょう」Damn!


14)「チキ」some kind of (metalic) sound?

9)「てンめ、本っ気でギリギリ狙[ねら]いやがって、あぶねえだろが」=「てめえ、ほんきでギ� �ギリ狙いやがって、あぶねえだろが」=「お前、ほんき� ��ギリギリのところを狙いやがって、あぶないじゃない� ��・あぶないだろう?」

10) 「ああ?そこ、けんかしない!」=「ああ?そこ(の君 /人たち)、ケンカしないの!」=「ああ?そこの君たち� �ケンカしないで!」Hey, there you guys, stop fighting.


Another 21) 「ってコイツあんとき話してたのエーゴじゃなかったも んよ」=
「…って、こいつが、あの時に話していたのは、英語じ ゃなかったもんよ」(I don't know what this 「もん」means...probably 'because (showing it's a reason)'?)「この人があの時に話していたのは、英語じゃ なかったからさ」Because he was not talking in English then.

22)「わかるわけねーって!」=「わかるわけがない(っ て言っているだろう?)」。「わかるはずがないだろう ?」There's no knowing, you know!

23)「だったら、英語で話そうか?」「それなら、英語で 話しましょうか?」Shall I speak in English, then?/Shall we talk in English, then?

24)「あいべっく・・・く・・・ぱーどん?」=I beg your pardon?


26)「うるさーい。人の話を聞きなさいよって」=「うる� �い。ひとのはなしを聞きなさいよ(って、言ってるでし� ��う?)」Shut up. Just listen to other people's talking.

28)「聞いたか?アヤ、だと(さ)」Did you hear that? He said 'Aya'!

29) 「あいつ、めちゃめちゃ外人風に」The verb is omitted so you don't know what this guy (=あいつ) did. 「めちゃめちゃ」=such a~/very much 「外人風」=Western fasion/manner

30)「人の 笑ったよなあ? なあ?」There must be 「こと」between 「人の」and 「わらった」。「人のこと(を)笑ったよな?な?」may literally mean ’(Somebody) laughed at others, right?' but the subject for the verb 'to laugh' is omitted here, so I think it can mean 'He laughed at me, you saw that?' or 'You laughed at me, didn't you?' 

32) 「おちつけ,あいつ外人だから」=「おちつけ、あいつ は、外国人なのだから。」Calm down, (because) he is a foreigner.

33)「まずは、英語勉強しとけ!」「しとけ」(very blunt and colloquial)=「しておけ」(sounds a little blunt)=「していろ」=「しておきなさい」=「していな さい」(more polite)
More politely and correctly, 「まずは(anyway)、英語を勉強しておきなさい。」「とに� ��く・とりあえずanyway(今はnow)、英語を勉強していなさ� �=keep studying English/just study English.」

I can't explain all of these sentences/phrases you've pasted. These must be from manga, and some of them I don't understand without the context.
And one more thing, do you need to know the pronunciations for kanji? If you do, just let me know, and I'll try to figure them out.

Last edited by SumireSatoh : 07-13-2012 at 05:55 AM.
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(#6 (permalink))
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Chibibug (Offline)
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07-15-2011, 12:43 AM

I’m sorry it took me a while to reply back to this! Some rl stuff came up and then I wanted to make sure I went over everything you all posted before I wrote a reply. Let me just say, thank you so much! You managed to help me find most of the kanji I was having trouble looking up and I understand so much more of this better than I did.
There are just a few things I could still use a little clarification on if you don’t mind. I went through the phrases and things that were confusing and tried to write out what I thought they meant, but I know some of these are way off. If anyone could give them a look and maybe correct my mistakes?

1.) 通過子定タイムを5秒オーバーしてるわ
I was expecting you to pass the time over 5 seconds

Please hurry

The Target is alive

If you are one second delayed (the target) will be separated by a distance too great to catch up to it.

Two teams are playing a game where they have to find and capture the 'target' and the person speaking is giving them instructions on how to do that, I think.

2.) ンなに速いもンかあ!?
How is that thing so fast?

One team member wondering why the target is able to move so fast or maybe why they have to move so fast to catch it.

3.) ミシェルの位置かハラけてるわアヤ ちゃんとリートな さい!
Aya please clearly report Michel's position or condition!

The game controller wants a report on how this team is doing.

5.) 彼の間合いのギリギリを頭に叩き込みなさい!
At the last moment please attack the head of the enemy!

They run into a group of people protecting the target.

12.) 。。。全く
... I absolutely agree

Stop wasting breath fighting and get along!

Then west!

What are you doing the communication was silent! ?

The target will be in contact with Ken's group!?

A small verbal battle occurs and the person speaking says they should stop fighting and get along before trying to contact the other group to see how they are doing.

13.) ターゲットとの距離は?
How long until we can contact the target?

. . . After 20 seconds


...The target is moving towards Ken's group.

...There is nothing we can do then.

15.) 。。。こちらウエスト
. . . West (team) here

Contact with the target.

貴方達! 指示が無いのにいつの間に。。。!?
You guys! There aren't instructions; during when. ..!?

West team tries to track the target down.

16.) 。。。ハズレ。
...A loser
. . . End.
. . . Disconnected.

The target ends up to be something strange and not what the group was expecting to find.


No matter how long I stare at it I can't make out this kanji (*) there is some furigana over it if... that helps anyone.

んじゃ はじめっから敵の位置もターゲットの位置もわ かったのかよ!? 
(んじゃ - no idea what this is) did you know what kind of target the enemy was from the beginning!?

...It wasn't particularly forbidden

We defeated the enemy properly, right!

One of the team members is whining about how the target was a cat and asking if the others knew that from the beginning.

19.) 最短で最良の方法とったまでだよ
It is just that I am shortest and took the best method!

でもギりギりまでこの猫だってわかんなくて追っかけん の大変だった~!
But until the last minute this cat...

I alone held it (the cat) and said that the target lived!

I abandon the fixed idea, isn't that right.

27.) とりあえず!
First of all!

今後はこのメンバーで活動するんだからしっかりとコミ ュニケーションは取ること!
Take the communication well in future because I am active with this member!

The whining person is now angry because some one made fun of his English.

29.) あいつ、めちゃめちゃ外人風に
That guy is such a foreigner

A more levelheaded member tells him to settle down because the guy who made the joke about the bad English is a foreigner, not from Japan.

31.) いすれ皆には日本語も覚えてもらうことになるけど
However we will also have to make certain everyone learns Japanese as well.

Also I ran into this and for some reason when there is Japanese text written in handwriting I can't read it at all.
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(#7 (permalink))
SumireSatoh (Offline)
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07-16-2011, 02:29 AM

1.) 通過予定[つうかよてい]タイムを5秒オーバーしてるわ
I think it's something like,
You passed (the checkpoint?) with 5 seconds delay. or
I was expecting you to pass (the checkpoint?) 5 seconds before (the time you actually passed).

3.) ミシェルの位置かバラけてるわ アヤ ちゃんとリード なさい!
Aya please clearly report Michel's position or condition!

The game controller wants a report on how this team is doing.

--Here I don't really get「ミシェルの位置がばらけてるわ」。The speaker may be saying that she can't see where Michel is. Then 「リードしなさい」may mean, as you say, ’report her position! (by following her)', or 'put her in the right position (by leading her).'

5.) 彼の間合いのギリギリを頭に叩き込みなさい!
「頭にたたきこむ」=to beat something into your head.=to learn/memorize something perfectly.
「間合い」=the right/suitable distance/interval.
「ぎりぎり」I don't understand how the word 「ギリギリ」can be used as a noun. Here it is used as the object for the verb 「叩き込む」. It describes a state where something is very close, means '(being on time) at the last moment' or 'in the last limit.'

12.) 。。。全く
... I absolutely agree

It depends on the context. It can be 'Indeed!/I absolutely agree' and also 「全くもう…(何をしているの?/あきれたな/しょうがないわねetc.)」='Reality, it's appaling!/Really horrible!' etc.
(Just 'indeed' or 'really' has remained and everything else has been left out.)

=You two were working together quite well. Don't waste it!

16.) 。。。ハズレ。
...A loser
. . . End.
. . . Disconnected.

The target ends up to be something strange and not what the group was expecting to find.
---Right. The word はずれ is exactly the suitable one for this situation. It comes from a 'blank' in 'I drew a blank.' It's like 'a dissapointment' or 'a miss.'


「尋」[じん・たず(ねる)]?There seem to be more strokes...
「三尋木」looks like a family name...I don't know how to read it.

んじゃ はじめっから敵の位置もターゲットの位置もわ かったのかよ!? 
Just put 「そ」on the top.
んじゃ=「そんじゃ」=「それじゃ(あ)」=「では」 =Then/So

Did you know the location of the target and the enemy from the beginning, then!?
So, you mean, you knew where the target and the enemy were from the beginnig?

19.) 最短で最良の方法とったまでだよ
It is just that I took the shortest way and the best method!

でもギりギりまでこの猫だってわかんなくて追っかけん の大変だった~!
But until the last minute we didn't find out it was a cat so we had such a hard time chasing...

I only said, the target was alive!
All I said was 'the target is alive.'

I abandon the fixed idea, isn't that right.
---Yes, you may be right, but here again it depends on the context.
It also can be
(You should) Abandon the fixed idea.

A.) 「あのときは、多数決[たすうけつ]で、○○にしただけ」
The two kanji letters I can't figure out. Can you enlarge them, clearly if possible?

As for the other parts that you mentioned and I didn't deal with up here, I found nothing wrong with them.

Last edited by SumireSatoh : 07-16-2011 at 03:01 AM.
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(#8 (permalink))
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07-17-2011, 04:35 AM

Here, I tried to resize it but it still looks really difficult to make out to me. Some one used really sloppy handwriting. Maybe I can guess what that word is supposed to be from the rest of the sentence.

Oh and you were absolutely right about 18! That was a name. I feel dumb since that was a name I had earlier translated with no problem.
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(#9 (permalink))
SumireSatoh (Offline)
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07-18-2011, 01:04 PM



The first one looks like ’独'(どく) or '彼'(かれ)....

As for the second one I have almost no idea....the right half looks like a part of '語'(ご)、but the left half doesn't really look like 「言」(ごんべん), does it?

If it's 「独語」、it means 'the German language.' But I'm still not sure.
Right, all we could do now would be guess from the context what word might fit in here.
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(#10 (permalink))
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07-18-2011, 10:41 PM

You are brilliant! I don’t know how you managed to make that kanji out at all but German language makes PERFECT sense here! That must be right! Thank you so much!

Would it be alright if I asked to see if you could clarify these two sentences for me? You have looked at them before but I am still having trouble getting them to make complete sense to me. I’m sorry. These are just very complicated for me.

5.) 彼の間合いのギリギリを頭に叩き込みなさい!

They run into a group of people protecting the target.

So would this be something like?:
"Get it into your head he is not at the right distance!"

27.) とりあえず!
First of all!

今後はこのメンバーで活動するんだからしっかりとコミ ュニケーションは取ること!
Take the communication well in future because I am active with this member!

The whining person is now angry because some one made fun of his English.

Would that be like saying?:
"Because I have to deal with this member we should learn how to communicate better in the future!"

Thank you for all of the help you have given me. You have really been great!
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