Originally Posted by masaegu
To me, the speech of the lady on right has some Eastern-Japan features, which is why I got excited watching this video because the gentleman's speech had Kansai-influenced patterns as in 「どこ行ったか知らん」.
When I pointed out that they were all from a very small area, it wasn`t so much in response to your post but to KyleGoetz`s. I figured that someone may misunderstand and think they were from all different areas of Japan, when really it`s just the similarities in the dialects.
She also says 「いんのか」 to mean 「いるのか」, which also is heard quite often around Tokyo.
Actually, it`s not for いるのか, but for いないのか. In the Fukui area, いる is usually いる or おる (with いるのか ending up いるんか or おるんか), but いない is either いん or えん.
I noticed this East-meets-West sort of dialect clash (fusion?) even when I went to Fukui as a kid and when I revisited several years ago.
Part of it is also a bit of difference between masculine and feminine. The man is using (to my ears) almost the exact same dialect as the woman on the right - it`s just a gender difference. But... My judging of same vs. different for the dialects is based on that group of people. The men from that area talk like him, the women tend to talk like her.