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11-24-2011, 03:52 PM
Thanks masaegu. Mind giving me a few examples? And could medals be consider as an award, or, "勝つ" would be a better choice?
失敗をしない人間はいない。 いるのは失敗から立ち直れない奴と 立ち直れる奴だ。 |
11-24-2011, 04:05 PM
Can anyone helping me explaining this. I have this sentence: おむすびと かきの たねを とりかえっこ しようよ 。 (I know it means: Let`s trade the Musbi with the kakiseed.) But what is とりかえっこ for a conjugation? (I mean the ending っこ . What does it makes to the verb and how do I build it)
11-24-2011, 04:11 PM
「ノーベル賞を受賞した日本人はこれまで何名いますか 。」 「小林シェフはフランスでの料理コンテストで銀賞を受 賞しました。」 _________ No, you cannot use 勝つ to say "to win a medal". You use 取る or 勝ち取る. Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind. |
11-24-2011, 04:33 PM
There is no conjugation involved in とりかえっこ. It is a noun. 「こ」(often becomes 「っこ」) is a suffix attached to the conjunctive form of a verb or another word to form a noun that describes an action performed among a group of people (mostly children, but not always) as an informal kind of a game. とりかえっこ You give me A and I'll give you B. かけっこ a running race にらめっこ a game in which two people stare at each other and/or do funny faces to make the other laugh. First one to burst into laughter loses. The verbs used in these are: とりかえる かける にらむ Simply take the conjunctive form and add 「っこ」. にらめっこ is exceptional. We do not say にらみっこ. Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind. |
11-24-2011, 05:16 PM
Thanks for the help, masaegu. Please check if my translations are correct. 「あの俳優(はいゆう)は昨年アカデミー賞を受賞した 。」 That actor won an academy award last year. 「ノーベル賞を受賞した日本人はこれまで何名いますか 。」 How many Japanese have won the nobel prize thus far? 「小林シェフはフランスでの料理コンテストで銀賞を受 賞しました。」 Chef Kobayashi came second (won silver) in the cuisine contest held in France. 失敗をしない人間はいない。 いるのは失敗から立ち直れない奴と 立ち直れる奴だ。 |
11-24-2011, 05:33 PM
________ Quick Quiz for everyone (except native speakers) Give me two verbs that children not old enough to know the verb 受賞する would use instead of it in forming these sentences? I ask because Japanese-learners can do the same if they cannot remember 受賞する when they want to use it. Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind. |
11-24-2011, 05:47 PM
Quick Quiz for everyone (except native speakers)
Give me two verbs that children not old enough to know the verb 受賞する would use instead of it in forming these sentences? I ask because Japanese-learners can do the same if they cannot remember 受賞する when they want to use it. 獲得する and 取る? 失敗をしない人間はいない。 いるのは失敗から立ち直れない奴と 立ち直れる奴だ。 |
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