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Monkeyfan31 (Offline)
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Japanese lessons for iPod? - 08-11-2007, 05:31 AM

I want to learn Japanese, because I may be going to Japan for vacation in a few years, and I also want to be able to watch/read undubbed anime/manga. I have a budget of $0, and I have an iPod Video (got as a gift ) and I will not have much time to carry around a laptop, but I will be able to carry around an iPod. I was looking thru the language learning help thingy, but I couldn't find a free one for the iPod. (I can use images, video, and sound) I would like to learn mainly speaking, with some writing/culture. I have no knowledge of writing types/pronunciation/words, except Biru, and Piru(sp?).


(Note, I only can speak english fluently (native language), I have been taking spanish at school, but I had a horrible teacher, and there is no Japanese class at school.
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08-12-2007, 01:15 AM

This might help...

Learn Japanese with Japanesepod101.com
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08-12-2007, 01:40 AM

Monkeyfan31 - check your PM!

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drpepper1785 (Offline)
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Thumbs up pimsleur language program is the BEST - 08-21-2007, 02:36 AM

pimsleur language program you can buy them in CD, MP3 and tapes but they can get expensive bout $200- 350 per unit, and the most popular languages have 3 units. each unit has 30 lessens each lesson is about 30 minutes long there are 90 Japanese lessens compacted into 3 units
NOW for the good news there is a expensive, a cheep and a free way to go about getting the pimsleur program. you know the expensive way the cheep way is to buy them second hand on auction like eBay, and then there is the FREE!! way. do a search for pimsleur on lime wire or any other program like it.

That's what I did
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08-25-2007, 06:04 AM

There is also a podcast in the iTunes store I would highly recommend once you get a little bit more into the lessons. It tells a lot about pronunciation and stuff like that. It's called Japancast. And... Japancast.net.
I really liked it, and learned quite a bit besides my normal studies.
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