Originally Posted by Kufufunofu
i also felt that the owner of momo(idr her name) was too old..l 
She was about the right age, I think. Her name is Koyuki (just saw her in the drama I'm currently watching; Mr. Brain; she was in episode 2 as a guest along with Gackt). The actress was born in 1976. The drama is 2003. That would make her about 27, right? For the manga, Sumire's character is either 27 or 28. Jun, as Momo, was about the right age as well. Early 20s.
theres manga!?
Yeah. The drama is based off of the manga, which probably goes way beyond what the drama did since this series was 2003 and the manga ended in 2005 in Japan. The series finished in the states in 2008. Either way, that's why I checked out the live-action version. In the US, the title was changed from Kimi wa Pet to Tramps Like Us. I don't get why they just didn't do a direct translation and just say "You are my Pet" or "My Pet" or whatever.
There are some characters in the drama who don't exist for the manga, and the main one that comes to mind is the psychiatrist with the dog and his assistant.