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[Film]The Ramen girl [2008] - 05-28-2009, 01:21 AM

I just finished watching it, basically its a brittany murphy movie.
Brittany Murphy is Abby, a girl stranded in Tokyo when her boyfriend dumps her. By chance, she happens to come across a Ramen shop, and the movie basically consist of her journey to be a trained ramen chef.

Although forgettable, and unrealistic, I really enjoyed how this movie showed the sincerity towards japanese culture. Like the attitudes to Ramen etc. I also loved how it was shot, it's very very picturesque. Although she does find a love interest in the character of Tochi, it doesn't take away the main focus of the movie-her journey.

So if you want to relax, watch a feel good movie. Try this one! It will leave you hungry for Ramen.

Has anyone else watched this?

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05-28-2009, 01:43 AM

Havent but i want to. glad for your take on it.

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05-28-2009, 03:08 PM

Ramen Girl was released as rental DVD on 27/May. I will try to get it.

Instead (intead?) I recommend Japanese classic Ramen movie "Tampopo" to Ramen Lovers.

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05-28-2009, 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by RadioKid View Post
Ramen Girl was released as rental DVD on 27/May. I will try to get it.

Instead (intead?) I recommend Japanese classic Ramen movie "Tampopo" to Ramen Lovers.
i have tampopo!!! omg that movie is great!!
lol anyways...i want ramen not a sandwich for lunch at school, american schools should serve ramen!

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05-28-2009, 04:22 PM

hey.. thanks for the tips..
I'm going to watch tampopo and the ramen girl after this..

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05-28-2009, 07:25 PM

I have many complaints about the movie.

1. Murphy's incessant whining was enough to turn the movie off mid course.
2. This isn't really a complaint as it is to be expected. There is an insane lack of realism in the movie. However, if it were realistic, then there wouldn't be a movie. As soon as her boyfriend leaves, there would be a shot of a plane taking off with her in it, and then the end credits would roll. And that would just be kind of funny.
3. Murphy has a very creepy, obsessive, and schizophrenic persona in the film. Which is largely unintentional, I'm sure... Some of this is intentional (in a different light though) to create a mystical atmosphere in the ramen shop, its execution coupled with britney's whining make it very awkward to where it makes you think that this girl has mental issues.
4. There is no character development between anyone other than the ramen chef and murphy, which leaves the other half of the movie feeling like a waste of time.
5. This movie feels unfinished. As if the director just got bored of filming it and said "*%$@ it, thats a wrap" There are many plot holes that could have made this a better film. Such as the ending... theres really no explanation for anything in the film.
6. Tailing on number 4, pointless characters. What was the purpose of the pimp and prostitute? Seriously? Was that needed in a film thats supposed to be heart warming and family oriented?

I could go on. But even though it may seem like i hated this film, I didn't for 3 reasons. Some same as others.

1. It was fun to watch Murphy get verbally abused by the ramen chef.
2. The large emphasis on Japanese culture was refreshing.
3. The look of the film is very inviting with lots of shots of Tokyo and its alleyways. Like a transition from a metropolis, to a quaint little town. Even though its all shot in the same city. Makes the ramen shop seem like a diamond in the rough

Worth a rent for a rainy day, but youre better off picking up Tampopo which was infinity better.

Last edited by Bluemonkey101021 : 05-28-2009 at 07:29 PM.
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05-28-2009, 11:59 PM

Yup, if it wasn't such an half assed attempt, siigh.

I still don't get the end.
BUT, I did like it was shot, like the angles, the lighting, it was kinda amateur-ish but in that sense, I think made it quite endearing.

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darksyndrem (Offline)
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05-29-2009, 12:06 AM

Is tampopo, IN Japanese? As in, they speak Japanese throughout the movie? Or is that English? Just asking, I couldn't seem to find a Japanese version of The Ramen Girl, so I thought I'd ask about Tampopo
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05-29-2009, 12:15 AM

oh i just saw that at the video shop yesterday...
but then i realised Brittany Murphy was starring in it and that put me off slightly.

(ok i lie, it put me off a WHOLLEEEEEEE LOT)

maybe i'll go get it out now that you've said it's not too bad yinnie :]

sure has been a while...
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05-29-2009, 12:55 AM

Hmmm I might give this film a go and see what it's like

L.O.V.E Nyappy!

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