Originally Posted by MMM
GTJ, you are shifting to "whiny gaijin" mode. This is a part of a slow-burn culture shock. I knew many people it happened to, and it is real common. After 4 to 6 months in Japan they we would meet up but instead of talking about cool new discoveries the conversations became nit-picky complaining sessions about Japan.
Speaking of nitpicking, why is it that some people on this forum are so nitpickingly sensitive about any comment that is not glorifying Japan? Last time I checked this was a Japan forum. This means talking about the good things and the bad, or weird for that matter...
Furthermore, for anyone who does not understand American humor, pointing out stuff that is different in a "what gives?" kind of manner is pretty common. Yeah, Seinfield did it to the extremes, but that humor is the basis of most American comedians. It's not necessarily negative, but it points out differences in a light-hearted manner and certainly not something to dig deep into. The topic was going well until
someone jumped in and turned the topic sour real quick.
Originally Posted by GTJ
Then again it doesn't help that the Japanese only have like three words for something that tastes good. Although recently the people on TV have been making more of an effort to actively describe flavors and such, which is a step in the right direction from just shouting "UMAI" with your mouth half-full.
Aside from the usual "Umai!"s and "Eeeeeeeeh!"s, every once in a while you get this guy who has a taste and then stares off into the distance as if entranced by the awesomeness he just put into his mouth

. However, to me, their beer is just like any other... nasty, hard to swallow, and gets the job done!