man, i liked Katara at first but now... i never really like it when a character starts being liked by everyone, but she's cool. i really hope she ends up with Aang and not Zuko, not that i don't like Zuko [cuz he's my fourth fave] but i don't want them to end up together. i think however that it'll be Iroh who teaches Aang fire bending. the show rocks, i can see though why people don't like it since i was once a hater of avarar, i was like "it's not from Japan so it can't be good" but then one day i caught the end of an episode and was hooked, i mean the last ten minutes! now i'm arguing for avatar, and own every episode on DVD, lol, what a switch huh?
[p.s. best characters Sokka, Momo, Iroh, Zuko, Boomi, Topht]