07-24-2008, 04:39 PM
ACTUALLLLYYY D=OUT BOYSSS do have blogs!!!!! I FOUND THEM!! wiiiiiiiii *drools and humps hikaru* wiiiii wiiiii omg im so excited and hyper now!! o_o no one can handle me! *-* ☆ My Jeong, Hikaru, Sakae, Juka, Narumi, Satsuki, Rubii, Yuji, Jun ☆ ☆ Claimer,ajsnoopy ☆ Claim,Miyavifan ☆
07-28-2008, 12:17 PM
NEE??? dont they loook STUNNING!! tho my hikaru turned into real man lolita XDDD wiiii *humps him* XDD
I KNOOOW I AM SORRY I FORGOT TO PUT THEIR BLOGS>.< *hits my butt* here are their blogs:: Kouki- http://blog.livedoor.jp/d_out_kouki/ Ibuki- http://blog.livedoor.jp/d_out_ibuki/ Hikaru- http://blog.livedoor.jp/d_out_hikaru/ Reika- Ļ��ȡ��ȷ� - livedoor Blog Minase- Brand New Wave - livedoor Blog my hikaru is a total dork XDDD ENJOY!^^ AND AND there is a neeew community for them!!! *faints* adi-chan, mee and cawwii-chan did it! *nods* YOU d=out fans, if u have lj account be member of the community!*kisses you all* XDDD D = OUT mwuah!^^ ☆ My Jeong, Hikaru, Sakae, Juka, Narumi, Satsuki, Rubii, Yuji, Jun ☆ ☆ Claimer,ajsnoopy ☆ Claim,Miyavifan ☆
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