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(#301 (permalink))
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adina (Offline)
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04-18-2008, 04:41 AM

but I read somewhere,don't remember where that kazuki is the alcoholic of the band ^^
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(#302 (permalink))
clairebear (Offline)
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04-28-2008, 09:34 PM

You let my thread die? :[
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(#303 (permalink))
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04-28-2008, 09:51 PM

do they have a myspace ?!

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(#304 (permalink))
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04-28-2008, 10:03 PM

dunno if this is the official myspace but i found this MySpace.com - ScReW - JP - Death Metal / Metal / Pop - www.myspace.com/screwjp

Owner of:
(G) Chisato (PENICILLIN)
(D) HAYATO (Moi dix Mois)

(G) Ryu☆ (PureQ&A)
(B) Yu~ki (Malice Mizer)
(G) EITA (Jikuu Kaizoku SEVEN SEAS)
(V) Marshall K (
Jikuu Kaizoku SEVEN SEAS)

RIP hide, forever in our hearts...

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(#305 (permalink))
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adina (Offline)
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04-28-2008, 10:27 PM

Originally Posted by clairebear View Post
You let my thread die? :[
I haven't been here for a while...eh..like 4 days XDD
and you're not here either claire x3
anyways....I found an interview with them

Viva Kolonia boys, and welcome to Germany! Are you here for the first time? (translator's note: "Viva Kolonia" is a famous exclamation meaning "Long live Cologne")
Kazuki: Yes, this is our first time in Germany. We are already pretty excited. We haven't seen that much by now, only the Rhein, but we definitely want to do some sightseeing.
Yuuto: And drink beer!

Strange, all of you coming to Germany want to do that. Do you have any expectations concerning Germany or your fans?
Byo: No, actually not. We will try to give do our best and give our german fans an awesome show.

Did you notice the fans in front of the door? They are already waiting since last night and built up tents in front of the venue. Do you also know sceneries like this from Japan?
Byo: No, this is really incredible! We rarely have something like this in Japan. But this is because of our ticket system. You already get a number before everything starts so you do not need to wait in front of the venue. You already know who will enter when and in which order.

You perform here with some other known bands, Kra, alice nine., SuG and Kagrra,. Do you know each other or have you even shared a stage in the past?
Byo: Of course, we're all at the same label (PSC). We already played festivals together and there are also friendships among the bands.

What are your musical rolemodels?
Yuuto: I can't really speak of rolemodels. I feel deeply connected to the Visual Kei Style and like almost all bands from that genre.
Jin: I like Green Day and Slipknot a lot.
Yuuto: Yes, of course we also like foreign bands. For example Radiohead. It would be cool to perform together with them.

Yuuto, you mentioned the term Visual Kei. Is this the category you would put yourself into as a band?
Byo: Yes, at least regarding the style. Actually Visual Kei only describes the style and the appearance. There are still a lot of differences musically. We're rather making rock and would consider us to be a Rock-Band while being a Visual Kei Band at the same time.

When your appearance is so important to you... who styles you? Are you doing it yourselves?
Kazuki: We decide on the direction but also work together with a professional stylist.

But the bandname was certainly made up by you. What does ScReW mean for you?
Byo: With that we want to express that we're not linear. Linear is boring, screwed is way more exciting. That is why we picked ScReW.

Now you're in Germany and outside are already the first fans waiting for the sold out concert tomorrow. Aren't you surprised that japanese music is so popular over here?
Yuuto: We already knew what would await us. But we were pretty surprised when people in Japan told us how well liked Visual Kei is over here. We are really more than happy to be here. This is simply amazing!

Let's talk a bit about how you came to the band.
Byo: A friend of mine gave me the idea to join a band and sing. Maybe I wouldn't have had so much self-confidence myself.
Jin: I also didn't feel like joining a band for a long time. Then I saw a band performing at a school event and realized that that's what I want to do, too.
Yuuto: My story is similar. Music was actually meant to be a hobby for me but now it became my job.
Manabu: I already knew pretty early that I want to become a musician and perform with a band.
Kazuki: For me it's the same as for Byo. A friend inspired me to get professional with music.

And how did you find each other?
Yuuto: Byo and me already knew each other for some time. We also used to play in another band together. We got to know Kazuki and Manabu through some friends and Jin through the Internet.

Are you also personal friends? What are you doing in your free time?
Byo: Sure, we're also friends but we're working a lot at the moment. That's why we take our free time to do something else without the band. Being in Germany I really want to see the Loreley. And in Japan I love to go shopping.
Jin: Shopping is always good. I also love buying clothes or looking at instruments.
Yuuto: I actually prefer to have my own peace and go for a walk.
Manabu: I'm also rather at home alone and listen to music or watch movies.
Kazuki: I like to read and I love playing videogames.

Thank you for the interview. Do you have a last thing you want to tell your german fans?
Byo: Yes, I'm searching for a girlfriend.

yuuto is an alcoholic and loooool at the last answer ^^

Last edited by adina : 04-29-2008 at 12:48 PM.
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(#306 (permalink))
clairebear (Offline)
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04-29-2008, 05:06 PM


i seriously had a heart attack at the last answer
BYOUUU <3 you dont need a german girlfriend
i can be your scottish girlfriend

*tries to regain breath*
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(#307 (permalink))
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04-29-2008, 05:50 PM

breath claire breath ^^
I found it LJ...and I think it's from december cause that's when they went there
and ewww....he shouldn't look for a gf in germany
haha he can go to scotland -nods-
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(#308 (permalink))
clairebear (Offline)
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04-29-2008, 06:04 PM

What community did you find it from? *_*

Yeshhh XD *drags Byou to scotland*
mmmmm ^-^

*sends Jin to..wherever you live* xD
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(#309 (permalink))
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04-29-2008, 06:14 PM

it wasn't in a comunity
it's from a girl from my friend list XD

Wiiiiw send him in romania x3
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(#310 (permalink))
clairebear (Offline)
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04-29-2008, 06:17 PM

Ah, okay ^^

Romania? Coooool XD
*strips Jin naked and puts him in a basket and sends him to Romania*

happy? ;D
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