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08-08-2008, 02:39 PM

yes ID, i understand... --- totally. XD
and thank you for the baptism.. (but what do i do now? rofl ;x)

uh-uh *shakes head*
noo... jr21.. u can't do that.
bcos my only job is still to sit and watch. mwahahaa XD

.... 21 days to their revival.. RAWRRR!!(according to my time)
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adina (Offline)
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08-13-2008, 11:10 AM

21 minus 5 means ... emmm16 days??? *giggles*
me ish waiting ...

OMG the baptism *straight face*
and I see jr21 ish being pervy again *peeks* XDD
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kawn4 (Offline)
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08-13-2008, 12:36 PM

16 days..!!!!
I can't wait.. but i have to.. lol (that make no sense ><;

i think the date for their Europe tour will also be coming out soon..
hurhur ~~
but i think it'll be a coupling tour or something O_o;;
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adina (Offline)
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08-13-2008, 12:51 PM


awww I forgot they're coming in Europ *pouts*
and of course they'll go in Germany for sure >_<"
what do you mean by coupling tour? O_o
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kawn4 (Offline)
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08-13-2008, 01:17 PM

They're not doing the tour alone..
they might be touring with Black:List..
I'm not too sure about it.. cos it was release is lj..
and they say info can be found on official web..
but I couldn't find it..
So I'll be waiting and see how..
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08-13-2008, 04:45 PM

well yeah, adii, that's the point of the baptism..
though kawn won't let me..*sigh*
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kawn4 (Offline)
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08-14-2008, 06:53 AM

well.. if u could get me XDD
*runs and hide*
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adina (Offline)
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08-14-2008, 08:27 AM

I don't think kawn is that gay -rofl-
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kawn4 (Offline)
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08-14-2008, 11:02 AM

maybe.. ;X
my mind isn't that great at thinking afterall XD
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08-22-2008, 02:36 PM

"The girls just sent out another email today reminding everyone of their 8/29 show. In it they announced that at the show they'll be selling new photosets and clothes, and have a new flier out."

mhmm so yeah let's all be queer now x)

pies: and I am still a lame cunt to upload all the other pics so excuse

"I tell you what's really ridiculous - going into a bookstore and there's all these books about yourself. In a way, it feels like you're already dead."
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