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01-11-2009, 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by InsaneDoll View Post

see? Jyou is not perfect ..but after seeing this it made me love her even more. she's human too O_O..awesome.
still not sure about the style, but at least it's better than someone's, who I won't mention here.

hide... always in my heart. I love you.... my pink spider....
My one wish is 2 meet Kyo. seriously.
R.I.P. Jasmine....
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01-11-2009, 07:01 PM

or rather be touched by those hands.
play the uke a little ...you might enjoy it x)

and I cannot stop staring at their site even though it's pretty much empty. but hey, it's pretty xDDD

"I tell you what's really ridiculous - going into a bookstore and there's all these books about yourself. In a way, it feels like you're already dead."
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01-11-2009, 08:23 PM

i've been playing uke.. if that's what you mean..
though i be seme for omi.. then again, i be both uke and seme. RAWR! XD

their site is nosebleed..
even time i see their lips pop on.. makes me wanna locks lips with the screen. lol.
though i haven't done it yet..
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01-12-2009, 10:52 AM

Originally Posted by InsaneDoll View Post
my first post on this year is here on this thread right?

well never mind that .. blossom is back because she's ghei, mighty and weird for talking on the 3rd person.
well moving on ..

kawnie deary .. or rather Miss Bellum [that was your nickname right? or is my memory tricking me? -scratches brain-.. was it Miss Bellum or some other name? baaaaaaaaaaaah I am such a dickhead], thank you again for updating the thread with valuable info such as exist trace's official site.

and it's not weird for me to squee that you used me real name, right? well I am a trve metal pygmy so I am going to squee anygay x)

pies: I also got a letter from you today kawn [it's in my hometown though so I have to wait a little to see it :C]. it was TEH biggest surprise ever to be honest.

@buttercup: I love you <3. and your presento will be on its way soon enough [just a little patience pretty pweaase]


and mind you, Jyou is not flawless, but I love her even more now that I know she's human too.
Naoto is back to her old self but SCREW OFF she's my bitch to tap.
Miko is a goddess, pure and simple as that.
Omi is now the queen of sex gods, and she reigns ohsonicely.
Mally is like the shy naughty librarian everyone wants to get their hands on.
Yea, I think so..
I'm not too sure myself either XDD
U're welcome, I just thought I should

I hope it'll really be a surprise XDD

I like how they use flash for their new site.. XDD
I can't wait for their official opening.. =.=;; They just love to make us wait..
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01-12-2009, 09:24 PM

the old was a bit fracked. it was confusing and most of the lettering were just XXXXXX or $^$%&%^#%^.
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01-14-2009, 10:46 PM

Originally Posted by jrocker21 View Post
i've been playing uke.. if that's what you mean..
though i be seme for omi.. then again, i be both uke and seme. RAWR! XD

their site is nosebleed..
even time i see their lips pop on.. makes me wanna locks lips with the screen. lol.
though i haven't done it yet..
you're more of an uke darling. sorry to burst your bubbles, but you are.
though I think there was this one time you played me hard ... but mhmmm good ol' times x)

I still stare at the site. I know this is nothing new but I really cleaned my monitor squeeky clean. I have experience at cleaning monitors, mind you.
man, does Naoto have such plump lips *_*

Originally Posted by kawn4 View Post
Yea, I think so..
I'm not too sure myself either XDD
U're welcome, I just thought I should

I hope it'll really be a surprise XDD

I like how they use flash for their new site.. XDD
I can't wait for their official opening.. =.=;; They just love to make us wait..
yeah yeah keeping this thread alive .. and I think the baptism was in vain since we still call you kawnie buuut .. the whole process of baptism was mucho fun so it was worth it x)

well regardless to what it is .. it's still a surprise. and I'm 100% sure that I will like it so yeah x)

they really are such big teasers, but fortunately we enjoy every minute of it and every inch of them.
I almost jumped out of my nickers when the site loaded woooo

"I tell you what's really ridiculous - going into a bookstore and there's all these books about yourself. In a way, it feels like you're already dead."
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01-18-2009, 09:56 AM

Me is here .. lost ... someone .... eeeh

Ehhhh I don't know what I'm doing here anyway XDDD.
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01-18-2009, 10:16 AM

hai hai hai.
Miko is really ..ohmydamn I don't even have words for her.
but it is also nice that you decided to come back x)

now we can all be ghei <3

though I doubt it will be like in our earlier days but ..we have nothing to lose either.

"I tell you what's really ridiculous - going into a bookstore and there's all these books about yourself. In a way, it feels like you're already dead."
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01-18-2009, 10:19 AM

Well I came back cause this is the only place where I can touch her hahaha~~

Oh our earlier days!!! This forum is going down .. but nothing to lose nee?!!
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InsaneDoll (Offline)
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01-18-2009, 10:33 AM

I can be such a meanie at times but but .. it's Mikooo
she's a goddess

haha ..adipooh is turning seme. OKAY
I like how this word sounds like .. hoyeh

"I tell you what's really ridiculous - going into a bookstore and there's all these books about yourself. In a way, it feels like you're already dead."
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