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Kayci (Offline)
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05-26-2008, 08:37 PM

Originally Posted by UsagiChan87 View Post
When I read the part about the jerks kicking a 6-year old my face pretty much did this: Who on earth kicks a 6 year old?! That's just horribly cruel!!!!! He just wanted to watch. Poor little boy!!! He's just a child!!! Yeesh!! Some people have NO heart!!!
Yeah. There were a lot of short people there, and yet a lot of tall/big people pushed their way to front. I had to get on my friend's shoulders to see them well, but then got down, 'cause people behind me couldn't. An Cafe came fore everyone, not just the selfish pricks who think they own the right :/

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UsagiChan87 (Offline)
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05-26-2008, 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by Kayci View Post
Yeah. There were a lot of short people there, and yet a lot of tall/big people pushed their way to front. I had to get on my friend's shoulders to see them well, but then got down, 'cause people behind me couldn't. An Cafe came fore everyone, not just the selfish pricks who think they own the right :/
That's horrible. I hate people, seriously. Why would anybody do that, I still don't understand it. Ah well, I guess that's fans for you. Always wanting to be mean to everyone else. But still, he's a little kid that is NOT in your way, there's no need to go kicking him around.
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06-13-2008, 09:27 PM

YouTube - An Cafe - Cherry咲く勇気!!
Nice An cafe song ^^

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xYinniex (Offline)
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06-13-2008, 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by Ito View Post
I saw that Live in london. It was SOOOOO cool. ^^

Kayci@: OMYGODDD , you didn't like Yuuki, he's like the dorkiest and funniest.
Too late now XP, I've been his number one fangirl since like he debuted.

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06-20-2008, 04:17 PM

Wow, that kind of AnCafe gig looks sooo cool to me ^^
I hope they'll come to Belgium/The Netherlands soon.
I would definitly go! ^^

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07-05-2008, 04:25 PM

GAH! This thread has been so neglected. >_< *glomps Takuya*

Happy Birthday Kanon!!!!
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DirEnGreyfreak (Offline)
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07-05-2008, 06:23 PM

i love An Cafe!! they are awesome...wish they could come near where i live ...but oh well......

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07-08-2008, 12:44 AM

cherry saku yuki is awesome! >_< and happy birthday as well Kanon! ^__^

"Life sucks, then you die. yeah i should be so lucky" >_>
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Gummii (Offline)
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07-08-2008, 02:20 PM

When was their U.S. tour? And are they coming back?!
Seeing them live would be awesome!

"What's your favorite color?"
Kanon--"Mickey Mouse!"
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projrocker (Offline)
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07-09-2008, 06:26 PM

Are they coming back soon!? I just missed their last concert :P

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