
View Poll Results: Do you openly tell people that you listen to Japanese music?
Yes, it's not something I'm ashamed of. 205 85.42%
Yes, but only to friends. 27 11.25%
No, because people ridicule me for it. 6 2.50%
No, not even to friends. 2 0.83%
Voters: 240. You may not vote on this poll

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(#141 (permalink))
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Reavyn (Offline)
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05-11-2009, 04:14 PM

My whole family doesn't understand why I listen to music I can't understand. Yes, I can't speak, read, or write Japanese. But just cause you can't understand the words doesn't mean you can't understand the mood and beauty of the music. Sadly, they don't get that. So to teach them a lesson, I've gotten my nephew hooked on Papancake and Hana Wo Pun. Yes, I can be evil sometimes...

I can't really place my finger on it, but there is just something about Japanese music that is different.
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(#142 (permalink))
JayT (Offline)
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05-12-2009, 08:11 AM

I personally love Japanese rock because the lyrics are very poetic,
and the guitar riffs are excellent. A lot of low neck solos also

I get a lot of inspiration from the artist for poetry and for overall clothing style, they're very creative. I love it, Dir En Grey is by far my favorite band ever.
Their performances are so full of energy, Kyo always sings with all his might.
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(#143 (permalink))
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05-12-2009, 08:36 AM

I listen to lots of music in heaps of different languages I don't understand because to me it's great music. People might look at me strange because of certain genres I enjoy, but never because of who's singing it.

Nobody is perfect.
I am nobody.
Therefore, I am perfect.
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(#144 (permalink))
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05-12-2009, 10:16 AM

What reason would there be for me to hide it? Japanese music is wonderful. It, in my opinion, has greater meaning and emotion behind it compared to anything we have here.

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(#145 (permalink))
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05-12-2009, 05:51 PM

because it feels right/natural to me. It's like it's a part of me now.
and because of the feelings I get from it.

(I might have answered this already, I can't recall )

hide... always in my heart. I love you.... my pink spider....
My one wish is 2 meet Kyo. seriously.
R.I.P. Jasmine....
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(#146 (permalink))
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05-12-2009, 07:30 PM

well like a a lot of people first i found out about Dir en grey! through a accuaintance i didnt even know that well she had ordered one of those 'tour' dvds and i was like wow thats a really cool band..after that i really didnt try and look for other bands but somehow i just found them! umm i like lynch and kaya now...miyavi's not really the style (of music ) that i like...and i actually like enka too...weird but i just like the way it sounds...i would maybe gag over the lyrics..

i needed a new sig
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(#147 (permalink))
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05-13-2009, 08:48 PM

Why did I first start listening?
Well, it's a long and boring story.

I was about six years old, and (a very mature child, surprisingly. What happened? O_o) in love with the masters; Tchaikovsky, Shostakovitch, and Chopin. (My grandpa liked art music, and I spent an amount of time with him)

At the time, I spent alot of time at my best friend's house, and her elder sister's best friend had moved to japan for... work, or college, or something (I forget), and had fallen in love with the visual scene. She sent my friend's sister some tapes (Malice Mizer, X Japan etc) and I just happened to overhear Seraph (Mizer) when I was visiting. I fell in love, and never looked back.

Thinking on it, it was all kinda coincidental, and hugely lucky.
I owe Malice Mizer everything, from my love of Visual Kei (and rock as a whole), to the fact that I'm not a chav.

And there you have it.

Reasons I still like Japanese music;
Well, for a start, it's very innovative alot of the time. Look at Miyavi - how much has he changed, how many times has he reinvented himself, since Due le Quartz?
And then there's the fact that, since I don't know enough Japanese to actually, accurately translate, I have to gain impressions from the music itself, which makes me listen more.
The artists tend to have actual skill, and not just sex appeal (although, the have their fair share of that, too).
Western music has been on a downward spiral since the end of the Punk era, if you ask me.


- Level my pets up pl0x?
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(#148 (permalink))
Riha (Offline)
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05-19-2009, 07:35 AM

I seek the essence of true music.

Mainstream generic music was getting old. Nice melodies cannot save a lying musician. I wanted poetry in motion, the essence of living.

The essence of human.

I wanted something that invoked true intellectual thought. Something that could truly make me submit.

I found it within certain Visual Kei and Jrock artists.

Most notably, Dir en Grey. I highly respect Tooru Niimura.

But varying views lead to controversy, "I don't see it the way you see it."

Take what you will-- I've found my place.
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(#149 (permalink))
bambiii (Offline)
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05-20-2009, 06:11 PM

I found Dir en grey first, out of curiosity, really. It took me awhile to like them, but I listened to Ain't Afraid to Die and got hooked. From there, I just branched out. What I really like about Japanese music is that it's helped me focus on the music and how I liked it more than anything else. Before, I'd just listen to whatever other people listened to. I'm more passionate about music as well and I've really found what I want to do in life. {Though that may not be entirely because of Japanese music, but it certainly helped.}

On top of that, it made me have an open mind. Before, girly men would've been insane to think of. haha~
Plus, it's kicked me out of some really stupid stages in my life{*cough*emostage*cough*}.

アリス九號 (´┏_┓`)
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(#150 (permalink))
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05-20-2009, 07:03 PM

I started listening to Japanese music through anime about 7 years ago. I heard an opening song, really liked it and decided to check the artist out. Since then, i listen to nothing but japanese music, mostly Jrock. Jrock caught my eye when i saw a picture of very interesting-looking guys (fine, at first i thought they were girls) with awesome hair, piercings, and such and i was like hey, that's pretty cool!

"Don't Think. Feel!!!!!!!!!!!!"-ヒロトさん♥
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