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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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03-21-2008, 09:08 PM

I know, it's too sweet<33
And about that last piccu, I really have no idea, except I think they were at a radio show, and that's the host dude or something. O_O

Okay, now I'm gonna randomly scroll through my saved blog pictures, and post three random things. XDD

Okies, so we got Nao's pic of the Ameba Station! XD

And Nao's piccu of his tamagotchi!

And Nao's [once again] picture of Hiroto! XDD [That's what he said in the blog! XD]
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adina (Offline)
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03-21-2008, 09:14 PM

*rolls on the floor laughing*
that's a cute and tiny spider hiro-pon
awww....I want a tamagotchi too...I didn't even know they still do these stuff XD~
nao is a dork as always <333
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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03-21-2008, 09:23 PM

Hahaha, I know it's so cute and funny!
Nao is a pure dork! Playing with tamagotchi's at the age of 27 [26..?], he's my hero. XDD
I actually have 3 tamagotchi's, and one of them is currently alive and named.. Tora! Hahah, he's been on pause, for like 6 months. O_O I just turned him back on. XD

Anyways, I'm gonna post three random piccus again, cuz that was entertaining, and I'm bored. XD

This is Nao's piccu of Shou on a magazine cover!

This is Hiroto's picture of the sky. It's so pretty *_*

And this is Hiroto's picture of himself from a really long time ago, this was from like Hiroto's second or third blog ever. XD
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adina (Offline)
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03-21-2008, 09:29 PM

I had once a tamagotchi too but I broked it *pouts*
oh...I think nao is 28 .... O.o he's definitly a hero ^__^
awww....I remeber that pic of hiroto....he looks so young and fragile
I don't know but I feel like I have to protect him when I look at that pic

awww daidai you just made my night....spam piccu
more more more more *giggles*

and shou is gourgeous *nods* XD
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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03-21-2008, 09:36 PM

Aww that sucks *gives tamagotchi to Adii*
28? Jeeze, Jrockers grow up so fast. XD
He does look so fragile! I just wanna hug him and cuddle with him, he's too precious!!

Hehe, I'm glad I made your night. XDD
and I'm gonna piccu spam, once more, I think. ^_^
Posting alice nine. pictures is one of my favourite things to do!

This is Nao's pic of an incredibly adorable stuffed animal! *_*

This is Shou's piccu [I think?] of the group! I love this one n_n

And this is Hiroto's picture of Saga looks smexi in glasses.
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adina (Offline)
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03-21-2008, 09:41 PM

*takes tamagotchi and plays with it*
I ish happy *jumps*
omg that fluffy green animal is cute *steals it and runs away*
lol at shou's t-shirt and the one in the middle I suppose is saga right?
and pon ish HOT...I like his jeans *steals jeans*
he's naked now *giggles*
and saga is a dork
and shou is gorgeous *ignores the bulge in his pants*
I'm jealous arghhh >___<
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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03-21-2008, 09:46 PM

I know! It's soo cute! X3
*scratches Shou's back* XDD
He's nakey! *rapes Ponpon*
I think that guy in the middle is actually Tora?
Hmm I dunno, I'm probably wrong. XD

And wait, you're jealous of Shou's bulge? O_o
*steals Shou's belt* It's SPARKELY! *_*
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adina (Offline)
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03-21-2008, 09:52 PM

yeah I think you're right he is tora cause he's taller than shou
I'm jealous cause I don't want to know who caused that little "excitement" on shou *ignores* XD~
O.o...now that you stole his belt his pants fell down....heh...I have to do it
*rapes shou*
mwhahaha.....*runs away of the owner who's not here anyway and I think is carry and I hope she won't get angry of me*
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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03-21-2008, 09:54 PM

Ohh, he was probably looking at a picture of you on the internet and that's what got him so "happy" XDD *hides from owner*
Heheh! Naked Shou and Hiroto. This is nice. XD *giggles uncontrollably *
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adina (Offline)
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03-21-2008, 09:59 PM

mmmmaaaaybe ... he'd better do that XD
*giggles with you*
I really can't stop XD
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