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NanteNa (Offline)
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04-09-2008, 04:29 PM

Sometimes I just hate reading Shou's blogs. T_T They're sooooo looooong and only about stupid shows we cannot go to anyway. -_-'';

I need a massage-person. O_O;
*pokes Saga*

[ <-- Jordan's heart! \(Ò_ó)/ ]
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"Well if a chick has a problem with the way I conduct myself I'd draw the bitch
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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04-09-2008, 04:29 PM

Yay I started a big happy fire! XD
*takes a stick from Nan*
*roasts marshmellow*
Anyone got some chocolate and gram crackers? XD

No diet coke!? *runs around* That sucks! *gives diet coke* There. All better. :]

Yeah, I guess so, LFA. But it sucks, cuz I liked reading his blogs, then he just randomly stopped. T_T;
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LittleFallenAngel (Offline)
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04-09-2008, 04:29 PM

@ Adii: Well...My old math teacher better couldnt die XD
Atleast thanks to his explainings i always had a A for maths X_x;;
*Giggles* Though if i now need to talk about maths i would probally say all the stuff wrong XD
*walks violently through the room and starts thinking*
@ Daidai: Hmmmm i also think its kinda weird that he stopped wrighting his blogg O_O;;
*head desks*

With this, I LFA. Aint no member anymore from JF.
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NanteNa (Offline)
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04-09-2008, 04:32 PM

YAY! Go Daidai<3 *rapes* WOOHOO! -brings crackers and chocolate-
Theeere we go. :''3 This is fuuuun!

*drags all jrockers down to come join bonfire*<3
Awww is this nice. ^^;
-snuggles up with claimings-

It would SOOO rock if we could ACTUALLY make a bonfire and hang out. O_O All of us!!
- also.. it would rock if I actually liked marshmallows. --''

I hope they'll come to Germany soon *_*;
This summer perhaps! *nod* YESHU YESHU YESHU!

[ <-- Jordan's heart! \(Ò_ó)/ ]
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"Well if a chick has a problem with the way I conduct myself I'd draw the bitch
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adina (Offline)
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04-09-2008, 04:34 PM

argh.....if they come I have to be there
I must...cause me wants to see shou *ish in love*
awww lfa me hate my math teacher really bad >.<
stupid wich
and and...OMG we're having a little party
-steals vodka-
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LittleFallenAngel (Offline)
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04-09-2008, 04:35 PM

*Giggles and also get her claimings ='3*
Haha! XD
all off us hanging out O_O;;
Sounds quite fun thou =o.
*gets coke*
~Mehz im addicted to coke<3.. xD
@ Adii:
Why do you hate him/her so badly?O_o..

With this, I LFA. Aint no member anymore from JF.
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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04-09-2008, 04:35 PM

Hahah yay! Smores! *makes a smore*
Aww OMG! This would be so awesome if this actually happened!
*huggles Hiroto*
I want to go to a bonfire now! T_T;

I think alice nine. should come to VT. *nods* Even though I strongly doubt that they'll come to VT, cuz VT sucks, but whatever, I can still dream, right? XD
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NanteNa (Offline)
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04-09-2008, 04:37 PM

Yes it totally does! O_O
We should make some kind of JF-meetup. *_*;

How many of you are in the states?
(Btw, Daidai? I'm going to the States the 26th of september!!!! *screams*)

Awww. X'D I wanna do a beach-bonfire now!! With jrock-performances and cuddling.

[ <-- Jordan's heart! \(Ò_ó)/ ]
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"Well if a chick has a problem with the way I conduct myself I'd draw the bitch
a map to the nearest exit and stamp "fuck off" on her forehead."
- Pot Roast
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LittleFallenAngel (Offline)
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04-09-2008, 04:38 PM

Lol it would be quite funny thou XD
us four around a huge fire with marshmallowsss... X_X!!!..
And yush DaiDai u can dream=3
But hopefully they come to VT,or Denmark, or the UK or what place O_O..

With this, I LFA. Aint no member anymore from JF.
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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04-09-2008, 04:43 PM

OMG! That would be so awesome!
EEK! XD We should all totally meet up! ^^

The 26 of September? Killer! But I'll have started school by then, but we should definitely hang out during the weekend or something! *nods*

A big beach bonfire party! *Runs around* That sounds like so much fun! XD

Haha thank you LFA. I'm glad to know I can still dream. *giggles*
But yesshu, they should come visit all of us!
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