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NanteNa (Offline)
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06-18-2008, 06:39 PM


It seems I'm beginning to like their MUSIC as well as I luv their looks. X'D<3 THEY NEEDA TRANSLATE SOME NAO-ENTRIES NOW! *growls*

[ <-- Jordan's heart! \(Ò_ó)/ ]
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adina (Offline)
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06-18-2008, 06:43 PM

there's nothing I don't love about them
okay maybe the way shou looked before alice nine *hides in the bushes*

but they did translated emmm like 3 of his entries x33
that girl is busy -_-"
and I remember that emm two days ago even saga blogges *kicks tora*
I want him to blog too *screams*

I have to watch the preview again XD
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NanteNa (Offline)
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06-18-2008, 06:46 PM

WOHOO!~ He blogged? That's amazing! *Q*
*runs to ameblo*

So they did? Jeez. XD FINALLY<3

[ <-- Jordan's heart! \(Ò_ó)/ ]
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adina (Offline)
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06-18-2008, 06:49 PM

yupiii and I tried to translated through a program but I didn't get anything O_O"

yeah they did .... but I want the all not just half *screams*
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NanteNa (Offline)
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06-18-2008, 06:55 PM

Yeh. >_<'' Me too. I dun get why she don't just translate it all at once. It's easier O_O''

Anyway.. >_>'' *looks at ameblo*

[ <-- Jordan's heart! \(Ò_ó)/ ]
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adina (Offline)
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06-18-2008, 07:00 PM

yeah I know but I think alice nine's blogs are the only one she translates
I think she's also translating screw's
anyways .. oh I already looked XD
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NanteNa (Offline)
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06-18-2008, 07:08 PM

Ahh~! Alrightie then. X'D Maybe that's why.
But she must have been doing something lately. Since she wasn't able to translate. O_o''

U did? X'D

Saga should have posted one of his smexy pics! *Q*

[ <-- Jordan's heart! \(Ò_ó)/ ]
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adina (Offline)
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06-18-2008, 07:13 PM

yeah but I don't have her in my friends list so i have no idea what's she's up too x33

yupiii i check them everyyyy day O_O" -not in the stalkerish way x33

oh yes he should .... with his chest mmm yummmy <3

but I want tora to blog NOW >.<
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Miyavifan (Offline)
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06-18-2008, 08:14 PM

Originally Posted by adina View Post
ugh but they are posting the blogs translation right now XP
I'm waiting for the one from shou's huge post xDDD

and omg nao posted a pic today
it's him right?? x33

Ahhh!! That's Nao!?

Originally Posted by NanteNa View Post
Oh well.. I decided not to go with the Gackto-one. >_<'' now I'm working on a third layout featuring Kyo instead. >_<'' *frustration* I also tried two others. One with Myv and another one with Kyo.. but they don't seem to be walking in my direction, so I gotta figure something else out. X'D

AHH YUSH! Me tooooo!! *faints* I needa see if they updated!!
*runs to a9 . diaries*

Crap >_<''
They didn't translate HIS entries yet. >_<
Oh... Gackt didn't work out?

And Miy and Kyo aren't working out either? oh... now I need to learn how to do layouts. I want a Kyo one.

errmmm.... you could do Take.... with his Samurai hair... XD.... (don't worry, I didn't forget you don't like it, I'm just teasing)

and I missed where you said Nao posted three times. I really need to pay better attention. Not to mention memorize their blog url.

@ adii.... Shou braided his hair? I so want to see that.

whoa!! check out Hiroto.... and his hair shaking thing...

I'm not sure how I feel about Nao's shirt/tie-ish thing. o_O

hide... always in my heart. I love you.... my pink spider....
My one wish is 2 meet Kyo. seriously.
R.I.P. Jasmine....

Last edited by Miyavifan : 06-18-2008 at 08:17 PM.
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NanteNa (Offline)
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06-18-2008, 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by Miyavifan View Post
Ahhh!! That's Nao!?

Oh... Gackt didn't work out?

And Miy and Kyo aren't working out either? oh... now I need to learn how to do layouts. I want a Kyo one.

errmmm.... you could do Take.... with his Samurai hair... XD.... (don't worry, I didn't forget you don't like it, I'm just teasing)

and I missed where you said Nao posted three times. I really need to pay better attention. Not to mention memorize their blog url.

@ adii.... Shou braided his hair? I so want to see that.

whoa!! check out Hiroto.... and his hair shaking thing...

I'm not sure how I feel about Nao's shirt/tie-ish thing. o_O
Haha! X'D Yes. They kinda didn't work out. *sigh* Stupid color coding! *screams*

NOT HIS HAIR! >_<'' ARGHH! Also.. I did a SuGi-layout for LR already. X'D *lmao* Gackt's on my current Blogspot layout tho. ^^v

Obviously the braid was IMPOSSIBLE to see, since he held it with his hand covering it completely. X'D Dork!

[ <-- Jordan's heart! \(Ò_ó)/ ]
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