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07-30-2008, 08:12 PM



Alex Evans is annoying. >_<'' *gives him to.. -someone-*

adi@ Aww! X'D What nice piccus<3 The quality ish amazing. O_O

Saga x Computer = kinda cute! :''3

[ <-- Jordan's heart! \(Ò_ó)/ ]
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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07-30-2008, 08:15 PM

You don't like Alex Evans?
God, he's sooo gorgeous! *__*
How could you not like him? XDD

Saga looks cute when he's on a computer. They all make cute computer dorks. XD
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NanteNa (Offline)
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07-30-2008, 08:17 PM

He's ugly. O_O''

WOAH! X'D Yeah. Especially Nao in NUMBER SIX. /PICKLES SIX<33 Hahaha I cannot get that film outta my head. XD *lmao*

[ <-- Jordan's heart! \(Ò_ó)/ ]
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"Well if a chick has a problem with the way I conduct myself I'd draw the bitch
a map to the nearest exit and stamp "fuck off" on her forehead."
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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07-30-2008, 08:21 PM

You think he's ugly? O_O
Girl, you're crazy. XD

Hahah yush! That movie is soo hilarious~!
It's on my mp3 player so I can watch it all the time. XDD
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07-31-2008, 01:51 AM

Originally Posted by adina View Post

NANI?!!! Shou chubby????Heeey Shou ish the semx in here he's not chubby,he's perfect and his eyes make me wanna eat him <3. *gropes shou*

And why all of the sudden everyone poke Shou and drools at Tora *ish jealous* We have Daidai's sex bomb to drool at *faints*

neo-chan@Wiii where did you take the questions?Cause I haven't read them before and I know they answer fan's questions in their blogs O_O"

I want their blog translation,I can't wait for that chick to come back *bites nails*


Someone,pls HELP!!! I want it!!! *cries* It's gonna be released on august *begs dad on her knees* [it won't work though]
I want that magazine *cries*.I won't be sleeping tonight *robs banks*

does anyone knows where I could order it?I have to have some money to buy it.I MUST or I'm gonna die <3
Not Shou, Tora. in that vid thing with Shou.

Can I eat Shou, too? he's so yummy.

Oh. I want that magazine too.

Originally Posted by adina View Post
whoaaa make him/her come online and translate the question *giggles* <3
*ish huggled* but hoooow??*cries*
I don't know where to order it and I don't even have money *pouts*
*ish a complete loser* >_<"

but lookie
tora has two pair of glasses <3
and saga is too cute <3

hahahahaha!! that is so cute and amusing!!

Originally Posted by adina View Post
he's supposed to check MY ass >_<"

I want it *cries*.I searched but I didn't find a thing *pouts*

you two stop saying that.He was NOT staring at the guy's ass *shakes head*

Hiro-pon ish sexy <33.I adore him God *touches screen*
mwhaha I know hunnie but emmm ... there's nothing I can doo x33

Shou is a teaser,that is why I love him *bites* XD

random:tomorrow is nao's pooh b-day <3
actually, you were right. Going by the time and adding 15 hours. except at my time of posting sall this... it is his bday right now!! (parties, with cake, ice cream, candles for Nao to blow out, and lots of confetti*

Originally Posted by NeoVisualizm View Post

lets send him bday message!!
and.. what is happy bday in japanese?
i fforgot it again XD,
Tanjoubi Omedetou

Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 View Post
OMG! I'm the biggest idiot ever! Today is Alex Evans b-day, not Nao's!! >_< *shoots self* I can't believe I got those two confused. *ish so embaressed*

Haha the cute little love triangle! XDD
[except Pon loves me. XD]

Does that mean I'm in the closet with Saga and Hiroto? *giggles evily*
And good idea! *dances dirty for alice nine.* Magazine for Adii, please? XDD

I love Butterfly Orchid too! I can't wait to hear the full song<333
Actually it is Nao's bday today. as in Japan it's the 31st now.
(check out Touya's sig) now.... *goes to say Happy Birthday to Nao* oh.. I got a piece of cake for his birthday.... with happy birthday on it in Japanese. I would have gotten a whole cake, but I couldn't afford it. at least the whole message still fit. I'll post a pic soon.

Who's Alex Evans?

hide... always in my heart. I love you.... my pink spider....
My one wish is 2 meet Kyo. seriously.
R.I.P. Jasmine....

Last edited by Miyavifan : 07-31-2008 at 01:59 AM.
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07-31-2008, 02:47 AM

Originally Posted by Miyavifan View Post
Not Shou, Tora. in that vid thing with Shou.

Can I eat Shou, too? he's so yummy.

Oh. I want that magazine too.

hahahahaha!! that is so cute and amusing!!

actually, you were right. Going by the time and adding 15 hours. except at my time of posting sall this... it is his bday right now!! (parties, with cake, ice cream, candles for Nao to blow out, and lots of confetti*

Tanjoubi Omedetou

Actually it is Nao's bday today. as in Japan it's the 31st now.
(check out Touya's sig) now.... *goes to say Happy Birthday to Nao* oh.. I got a piece of cake for his birthday.... with happy birthday on it in Japanese. I would have gotten a whole cake, but I couldn't afford it. at least the whole message still fit. I'll post a pic soon.

Who's Alex Evans?
Yeah... I knew that. I just got them confused, cuz my friend was getting me all hyped about two b-days in a day, and I totally spaced and got them confused. >_<
But that's pretty cool about the cake. ^^

And Alex Evans is this famous internet guy who designs clothing, takes amazing photography and happens to be stunning. XD
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07-31-2008, 07:43 AM

*weeps* i love this thread....heart hurts its inhaling too much! *wipes tears* too bad i can't touch them!....if i lick the screen it won't be enough! *cries*

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07-31-2008, 08:46 AM

Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 View Post
OMG! I'm the biggest idiot ever! Today is Alex Evans b-day, not Nao's!! >_< *shoots self* I can't believe I got those two confused. *ish so embaressed*

Haha the cute little love triangle! XDD
[except Pon loves me. XD]

Does that mean I'm in the closet with Saga and Hiroto? *giggles evily*
And good idea! *dances dirty for alice nine.* Magazine for Adii, please? XDD

I love Butterfly Orchid too! I can't wait to hear the full song<333

cute daidai,but now you can say happy b-day to Nao-pooh *giggles*
and I had no freaking idea it was Alex Evans birthday -_-"

omg and Shou's heart belongs to me but I let him have fun with the others *giggles*

awiee so you like staying in the closet with Hiro-pon and Saga *smirks*
I would send Nao too but he's in the fridge eating *laughs*

Go Daidai <3.Now I want my magazine *stares at Shou with puppy eyes*.He cannot say no to this ^_^

Aww but I have the entire song,only when the song starts,the radio dj and Shou -faints- talk a little <33.And I have it on repeat and my top on lastfm will change again XDDD.

Originally Posted by Miyavifan View Post
Not Shou, Tora. in that vid thing with Shou.

Can I eat Shou, too? he's so yummy.

Oh. I want that magazine too.

Who's Alex Evans?
Noooo only I can eat Shou *kisses his eyes*.Grr I love the last picture he posted on his blog,his eyes are love *molests him*
I really want that magazine but I can't find it to buy it *cries*

You didn't know who Alex Evans was?? *ish shocked* I thought everyone knows him ^_^

Originally Posted by Pexster View Post
*weeps* i love this thread....heart hurts its inhaling too much! *wipes tears* too bad i can't touch them!....if i lick the screen it won't be enough! *cries*
awwww cute <33.But yushies they're all owned ^_^ *gropes Shou and Tora*
MINES!! oops I tend to get possessive,but heey you can drool at them
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07-31-2008, 09:20 AM

really...arigato *bow* but if only i can touch them! please!...let me

A Dream Of Form In Days Of Thought


Eiri is my Property, Bitches.
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adina (Offline)
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07-31-2008, 09:23 AM

O_O" emm omg I'm usually nice but I don't think I can let you do that
not when we're talking about alice nine -shakes head-
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