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08-07-2008, 08:46 AM

yaaayz I can't wait!!!
neo-chan what did you do??? *ish worried*
you're not a dummie,your mah cute neo-chan *smooches*
haha yeah I know ... I clean it today and in 2 days is messy again -_-"
waste of time >_>

awww I couldn't hump Hiropon but I would do thing to him
oh God daidai will kill us,pon abuse again *hides*
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08-07-2008, 08:50 AM

I HAVE A SURPRISEEE FOR YAA.. i mean.. if.. some..ppl.. corrects my awesome stupid-ity XDD
no seriously im such a dummie XDD
owiesss owieesssss *ish smoched* wiii *pinches your cheeks*
yeah -_- and i always hear my mom scolding me cuz of it -_-

WHAT CAN I DO?! o_o this boy's.. energy has changed after rainbows!!
he is releasing some kind of.. UBER attractive energy.. or whatever you name it XDD

and i may have gotten rainbows >.>' .. there is a possibility >.>'
AHHH you should come to msn for god sake!! >.<

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adina (Offline)
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08-07-2008, 08:56 AM

NANI?!!!! *teary eyes* what is it what is it??? now you made me curious *dies*
I can't wait to come on msn cause I want to ask you something *giggles*
hahaha *chases your mom*
luv ya <33

awww I knooooow *drools at pon* and he's still a dork *giggles*
OMG you're getting Rainbows??? -dies twice-
*runs in circles*

I am,just let me kick my sister outta door >_>"
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08-07-2008, 09:00 AM

bwuhahhahhaa im so good at making curious and giving.---gasms XDDD
Owiesss what will you ask me??!!! *ish soo curious too*
haha luff ya tooo <333

he is total dork!! XDDDDD really XDD how can a person be such a cute dork when he is smiling XDD
ALSO on live show.. he was copying shou.. i was rolling on the floor XDDDDDDDD
ermm... ermm >.>' *coughyescough*
DONT DIE! *pokes*

okay! >.>' you can come like.. 30 mins!! YOU JUST HAVE TO COME!

☆ My Jeong, Hikaru, Sakae, Juka, Narumi, Satsuki, Rubii, Yuji, Jun ☆
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08-07-2008, 11:10 AM

Originally Posted by adina View Post
neo-chan you're being a bad girl.Stop poking my Tora or I'll punish you and you won't like it.
Tora was thinking of me of course that is why he was spaced out *giggles*. [this is so like me cause I loooove spacing out XD] But seriously talking I didn't find weird his attitude.That's how he is,cool and composed [-demands him to blog-] and true he has his dorky moments but is just so like Tora to act like that.And damn I love him for this -faints-

yupiii carry owns Nao-pooh and I advise you not to touch him.You know how she gets when you do this -hides under Shou-

And *cries* I watched Yahoo Live Talk but my stupid computer is ... STUPID!! Cause it stops somewhere at minute 25 or something *cries out loud*
and you girls are not being fair.You went in Japan without me!! *stays in a corner and cries*.Now I'm gonna be all alone in Romania x33

And OH MY GOD PEOPLE SHOU DOES HAVE A CROTCH!!!!!!!!!!! *runs in circles*
Have you seen it?!!! Is there *ish happey*
I told you I didn't eat it >_<"
eehhh dont punish me adi-chaann or i cry!!! *cries*
I did it for good purpose! not on bad purpose!! he seemed.. way too cool >.>
I wanted to wake him up.. OMG I KNOW WHY HE WAS LIKE THAT NOW!!!
CUZ CUZ.... yeeeh.. those voices.. how long did you guys do it for god sake?!! O_O

omg yes! you are right! o_o last time she almost killed me o_o im not touching to Nao-pooh!!! *gets hands off* i will touch to my john!!! <3 XDD

owiess i can send you the full video if you want hunnie!! you should the rest!!! OMG they.. erm.. i wont tell!!! you should watch!! <3

hahha XDDD poor shou XDDD you are talking about his crotch and now he is blushin >.>'

Originally Posted by NanteNa View Post
Neo@ omfg! X'D U bought so much that u don't even remember!!?
ehh! ermm... coughtmaybecough >.>' seriously tho! for a while i was like.. rainbows?.. i didnt order it did i? XDDDDDDD omg.. really.. did i order that much?! O_O no no..*thinks* no no..>.>' im just so into gaze dvd now! *nods* )

☆ My Jeong, Hikaru, Sakae, Juka, Narumi, Satsuki, Rubii, Yuji, Jun ☆
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08-07-2008, 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by adina View Post
yeah I want one too.It was so cute and fluffy,just like Nao
*ish cherried* XDDD
Mwhaha we shall take over the world with our alice nine. obsession ^_^.
You should check it.Shou looks so good -faints-.And again,I like Tora but that is NOT his style -shakes head-.I like him in baggy clothes XD.

awww I remember I saw that video after Number Six movie.I giggled like crazy.It's so funny and Nao's laugh is love.Also when I saw it I fell in love with Hiro-pon -dies-.He was so freaking cute with his big hair and and ... I just adore him ^_^.
And Wiiii Hiroto posted a pic with him again *runs in circles*.I love him when he does that XDDD.

-stares at his lips- LOVE and omg look at his eyes <33

random: daidai I had a dream last night and you were in it.But I don't remember what we were doing.It was .. somwhere in the woods and there was an office,the office from my college and ... I have no idea what we were doing there. O_O" It was pretty weird but but I dreamed you!! *dances* *_*
Hehe yush! World domination! XD
Aww I can't find it. T_T;
Do you have the link please?

Haha I know! They're soo adorable! They seriously need to make another movie! >_<
Gah! Hiroto is soo fracking hot! *grapes* We'd make a pretty hot kiss, considering we have like the same size lips. XD
But I do love when he posts pictures of himself. *giggles*

And girls, you need to relax! XD As long as you're not touching him, it's okay. Well, don't talk about him too much. XDD

And Adii! You dreamed about me! *dies* That is soo fracking awesome! XD Although, the dream is a little random, it's still killer! *runs around*
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08-07-2008, 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by NeoVisualizm View Post
ehh! ermm... coughtmaybecough >.>' seriously tho! for a while i was like.. rainbows?.. i didnt order it did i? XDDDDDDD omg.. really.. did i order that much?! O_O no no..*thinks* no no..>.>' im just so into gaze dvd now! *nods* )
So.. DID u order RAINBOWS? O_Ô

*ish watching new MYV-dvd this very second*
<< DAMN he's sexayyy in this DVD O_O'' >>

Anyway: X'D I snatched that pon-piccu! *steals* His eyes are.. kyaaa..

[ <-- Jordan's heart! \(Ò_ó)/ ]
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08-07-2008, 07:39 PM

Originally Posted by adina View Post
yeah I want one too.It was so cute and fluffy,just like Nao.

No one tops Kaoru.He laughs like a hyena XDDDD

Nao is fluffy?

I thought that was Toshiya?

Originally Posted by adina View Post

And Wiiii Hiroto posted a pic with him again *runs in circles*.I love him when he does that XDDD.

-stares at his lips- LOVE and omg look at his eyes <33

wow.... just wow.... all parts of him are getting sexier. seriously.

hide... always in my heart. I love you.... my pink spider....
My one wish is 2 meet Kyo. seriously.
R.I.P. Jasmine....
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08-07-2008, 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 View Post
And girls, you need to relax! XD As long as you're not touching him, it's okay. Well, don't talk about him too much. XDD
ahhh okay... ermm.... come onnn >.>' let us talk about him loads but we wont touch him XDD and promise no 18+ talkings lmaoXDDD

btw which link do you mean?? if you want yahoo live one.. i can give you.. if you dont.. ah well.. just in case if someone wants::

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Originally Posted by NanteNa View Post
So.. DID u order RAINBOWS? O_Ô

*ish watching new MYV-dvd this very second*
<< DAMN he's sexayyy in this DVD O_O'' >>

Anyway: X'D I snatched that pon-piccu! *steals* His eyes are.. kyaaa..
ermmm..... yes i did lol XDDD i checked it after you mentioned about it lol XDD

OMG which DVD was it actually?!! O_O *wonders*

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08-07-2008, 10:46 PM

Originally Posted by NeoVisualizm View Post
ermmm..... yes i did lol XDDD i checked it after you mentioned about it lol XDD

OMG which DVD was it actually?!! O_O *wonders*
Haha! X'D DAMMIT! Now I totally want it!
It feels like we're competing on who has the most jrock. XD *lmao* It's kinda funny.

The Beginning of Neo Visualizm Tour 2007. Kyaaa, he's such a fine piece of asian ass. XD

[ <-- Jordan's heart! \(Ò_ó)/ ]
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