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![]() A setting for a Boys Love/boy loves girl comedy Manga/story: between Yuki the old Bushido and Gackt the young lord of the Castle of Blood and Enya the Irish lass of County Cork, Who some how ended up in Japan.
First half of the story: Letters written back and forth from Yuki to Gackt to Yuki..... Let me count the ways I love thee, thy beautiful face that embraces each kiss I give. Oh Gackt why don't you belong me? Why don't you look my way when I pass you... Why do you look away when I say I love thee x3. Gackt you know that I watch you and you watch me, though I'm married and of child I still think of thee.... That battle that we did was the first I truly got to know you for you, at first I thought you were this scared little boy with a lost soul who needed a teacher to teach you the ways of love. You needed a older man in your life... But I was wrong It was I who needed you... But this love affair needs to end for my heart truly belongs to my wife and child, I'm sorry my young lord but this has to be no more. It hurts me more with each passing day to break your heart so full of love.... I see the hurt you carry with you like a burden a broken heart that would never mend.... Yuki ai My Bushido, I wanted you for my own, to cook for you, slave for you, to be close to you, you made me so happy when everything around me turned sour and there was nothing I could live for... But Is this is what I'm worth? A cheap night out treating me like a person with no class no feelings at all?! If your heart belonged to another why did you get involved with me? You knew too well that I wanted you all to my self how greedy I can be when it comes to love. Forget about me, you stupid old man of 46 I don't need thee! Go off with your wife and child if that makes you happy and leave me for good! Your easy to replace.... Gackt dropped the piece of rice paper he was writing on for he did not want to lead Yuki on. He was only doing this so he could get with the woman he loved since birth. Enya, Who turned him down for so many years since she came to this country when she was three and he was just a babe. He now looked down at the soiled piece of rice paper and stomped all over it, he couldn't toy with another persons emotions this had to stop... If this had to be another boy loves girl but the girl loves someone else love affair, let this man have her. Why waist his time on that shrew of a woman who had broke his heart time and time again. But he stilled loved her and his heart will still go one loving her. Maybe he thought he could use this against her dimwitted husband! That Baka! Gackt said out loud but not loud enough so people could hear. The gears in Gackt's head was turning and a huge grin came across his face. He had a plan that he knew would work... Gackt tilted his head back and gave out a hearty laugh, then he looked up, the sky begin to darken a storm was brewing and he knew he had to get to his cave that he normally stayed at, along with his friends the Vampire bats. He was not going to return to his castle tonight he had other plans.. He went into his Kimono and pulled out his super cool Gackt sun glasses for Vampires hated the sun. And he got on His black horse and headed to his bat cave to converse with his trusted adviser a unknown oni with a stench so bad that Gackt has to ware a clothespin over his beautiful nose. Will Gackt's plan work? Will he get Enya? Will his plan turn sour? Or will he have to soon forget about her? We will see we will see.... Turn in next time chicos y chicas when we will find out what the plan really is and if it will work...... Ha! this shows how much of an otaku I am of Gackt that I had to write a story pitch with him in it just to be funny! LOL! I hope you guys enjoyed it! If you do I will continue on this thread if I'm not allowed pm me saying that you want to hear more and I will pm you back with more of this weird and zany tale starring Gackt the Vampire himself... er um thats what he claims to be he states his age as being one of the undead! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
07-04-2008, 04:57 AM
There's no need to be insulting. I have seen older pics of him, and to me he looks exactly the same, and if he had plastic surgery, his features would look different. also... you do know Asian people generally age very well, right?
hide... always in my heart. I love you.... my pink spider.... My one wish is 2 meet Kyo. seriously. R.I.P. Jasmine....
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