Originally Posted by minminRW
I didn't tend to say that Tan Soo=Karate ,only meant the origin of the words.
the reason i said it, Sometimes Korean says these are fully original of Korea or true origin of Karate or Aiki , Kendo is Korea.( ) Especially in Europe many Komdo players berieve in that false.
i just want to prevent everyone from these misunderstanding.
I see, ok, yes that I agree, most of the Korean martial art came from Japan, a lot debated that it came from the Korean Hwarang Do, however, there have been studies showing that Hwarang Do came from Jiujitsu (NOT BJJ, the original form from Japan)
In reply to one of the above. Traditional Iiado is more than just sword drawing. Traditional Iiado takes a lot of forms from Aikido to perform soft takedown, this is in case if you got disarmed (not a myth, OLD okinawa style does emphasize on intercepting a sword bare hand) you can still defend yourself. I can't say much about modern day Iiado, since I don't know anything about it and have never seen them in practice.