Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
You said
Obviously your English needs some work because that does not equal saying
Owned again.
(Bolding parts of the sentence doesnt make the rest of the sentence invisible... just so you know. Peace  )
Ok genius... what's the difference between these two phrases;
And JasonTakeshi, is right! England WERE outplaying Germany in the sense that they had more possession and more opportunities.
Germany were outplaying England IN A SENSE because they had more possession and opportunities.
If I have a REAL problem with English, that's fine, it's not my mother-tongue, and it'll never reach that level, but unless you explain to me why I'm wrong, you're delirious!
So for someone that speaks only one language "fluently", you're having a big problem grasping what I'm saying, and obviously a big problem with the word "owned", because I have yet to see you own me! I feel bad for you...