Originally Posted by kyo_9
best japanese football player gotta be shunsuke nakamura..
b4 this i might say hidetoshi nakata but since he had retired from football... :X
hey, have you heard any news about him?
he's kinda "sleep" after retired isn't he?
I wonder if he had thinked about becoming a coach..

Now Hide Nakata is travelling all around the world...long hair and long beard, as a normal tourist. This is what I could find on the net. He said that when he was a player, he saw only the fields and the airports, and nothing about cities and culture, so now he wants to see everything. He has not forgotten soccer, but now he enjoys to play on streets with common people.
I summarized an article, unfortunately I could not talk to him!
However, he was loved by my country when he played here and he had a good reputation. Nakamura scored great goals, but he had not the chance to express his capabilities... In my opinion, Reggina was not the right team for him....