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06-13-2008, 12:35 AM

Originally Posted by IonFortuna View Post
Draklor Laboratory, 70th Floor.

I am trying to level up but it is just too hard!!
I looked in my guide and it says you should be fighting Dr. Cid on that floor. The thing about leveling up later in the game is it's never easy or quick. I run into that all the time in Final Fantasy. If your not ready to fight Cid yet you can either restart or you can go straight into the fight here's some info on the fight...

Dr. Cid: Lv. 40 HP:72,989
Helm Rook: Lv. 38 HP:9,859

Dr. Cid has 4 floating mechanical Rooks protecting him. These are probaly the toughest boss minions you've faced so far. It's very difficult to inflict dmg. to Cid when the Rooks are active, so ignore the dr and focus your full fury on his minions. You can also target one central Rook (not Dr. Cid!) with a Quickening chain and hope that the follow-up area attack seriously weakens the other three. In any case, you MUST take out the Rooks before you can have a chance going after Cid. The Rooks will cast Protect, Regan, and Reflect on Cid, so don't use any Black Magick.

Once the last Rook falls, you'll be in much better shape, even if your party looks depleted. Cid is powerful but quite slow, so you have time to sling Cure spells, use potions, Charge up your MP, or use whatever gambit routine has been successful thus far. Try to get the entire party up above 1000 HP as soon as possible, because Cid unleashes a powerful attack that knocks a lot of HP out of everyone.

You don't actually have to knock Cid's HP down to zero to win this fight. When his HP bar drops low enough, a new ally jumps into the fray and finshes off this battle. (Last three paragraphs from offical guide).

From what I rememeber when I did this fight was trying to get all party members to attack the Rooks can be quite frustrating. So I would set everyones attack gambit to the one that they attack the enemy the leader is hacking at. I don't rememeber much from my fight (it's been so long), but the Rooks are tough! (The second Cid fight-closer to the end, is actually much easier).

If any of this doesn't help, check gamefaq. There's usually a low-lv guide there. Also for this battle cast Haste! And if your main healer isn't healing and attacking away take over the role. For when Cid unleashes his attack on everyone, the way to avoid it the best is get as far away from Cid as you can! Hope this helps!

Last edited by animelover32 : 06-13-2008 at 12:37 AM.
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06-13-2008, 01:35 AM

amazing game. <3 finished it some time ago..now i'm just working on my clan rank 'cause i wanna be order of ambrosia. ^^v

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06-13-2008, 01:56 AM

Originally Posted by Uriko View Post
amazing game. <3 finished it some time ago..now i'm just working on my clan rank 'cause i wanna be order of ambrosia. ^^v
I've been tryin' to get the same thing. I'm almost there. I just need to kill Yiazmat and I'll have it. I've had the point reqirument for months now. What hunt are you working on?
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06-13-2008, 02:21 AM

The game was pretty fun when I played but haven't played it for awhile since I did everything that could be done on there, I think only two of my characters aren't lvl 99 though forgot which. Yiazmat is pretty easy took me only a few hours ((combined)) to beat it, but within two days, how happy I was after that. XD

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06-13-2008, 03:19 AM

i think im in the 40's when it comes to lvls
but then again..i havent touched it in a long time ^^;
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06-13-2008, 04:25 AM

I love FFXII my characters are like lvl 36-37.

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06-13-2008, 04:35 AM

Mine are all maxed..
I did a "clean sweep" of the game like 4 months ago..
page by page of the guide book.. 213 hours..


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06-13-2008, 06:28 AM

My main problem is when I finish off the Rooks I only have enough MP to do one more quickening and after that I can't seem to do any damage or survive!!!
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06-13-2008, 05:15 PM

Originally Posted by IonFortuna View Post
My main problem is when I finish off the Rooks I only have enough MP to do one more quickening and after that I can't seem to do any damage or survive!!!
The best thing to do before performing a Quickening is turn one person's gambits off and their MP won't get spent. Also if you have them use Ethers, Elixers, and Megaelixers. Same with Charge. If you don't want to use those four give someone a long ranged weapon and run around until your MP goes back up.
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06-13-2008, 11:32 PM

I don't have the first three items...
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