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06-07-2007, 03:00 PM
edit (yeah not a lot has happen hu and your already 50% done the story) that when you start haveing to worry about the weapons you are useing to because they start to become more expenive and the gil you get does not progress with the game. the most you ever get i think is like 200 out of a single pot or band guy that drops money and there not a lot of those. they wrote a 5 hour story and had to make a 60 hour game. ff10 was at leave 15 to hours of story tons of mini games and quest to keep you busy. ff7 omg can you say 20 to 30 hours and tons of side stuff to do story. ff12 ummm 5 hours of story 40 hours of grind, 10 hours of extra. i think they screwed it up no. ![]() There are 3 kinds of perverts in this world 1. Those that hid it. 2. Those that accpect. 3. Those that are Ero Sennin |
06-07-2007, 03:03 PM
Well when they come out with new games, its hard to stick to the same battle system.
What they try to go for is a game that is completely different. i mean besides the usual stand in place in fight, they decided to come up with 10-2 where they jump around, and then with 12 you walk around and attack. They are trying to make it as realistic as possible since the graphics are getting more and more realistic. Thats why they started to change the battle system. as for the story line, i can understand why the stories are starting to get intertwined. because it is really hard to come out with a game where it has the same intesity as 7 ideas run short alot. including the fact is that they dont want to put the same ideas as 7 into 8 or 10 into 12 stuff like that if it makes since!! My heart bleeds,
Look at you hiding, all the things to endure me. I need you here with me, Breathing, wanting you to believe me, I see you in all of these faces, Blush with shame, when I think of you, and your pale skin. I need you here with me, Breathing, wanting you to believe me, I sell my soul for you... |
06-07-2007, 03:03 PM
i havent gotten any vespers yet
My heart bleeds,
Look at you hiding, all the things to endure me. I need you here with me, Breathing, wanting you to believe me, I see you in all of these faces, Blush with shame, when I think of you, and your pale skin. I need you here with me, Breathing, wanting you to believe me, I sell my soul for you... |
06-07-2007, 03:13 PM
versper used to be a mod on this board lol.he stoped playing the game at the same point as me. I under stand the realism aspect you are talking about but to do that you can't make as system that inbetween you have to a complete change to real time like in kindom hearts, or keep it turn based. they tried to do this inbetween thing and it does not work. if anything they system they used made it more unrealistic because you attack runaway and wait for you bar to fill up and attack again. if you want to incoprat real time with moveing and eveything you need something that does not wait if i hit X button to attack it should attack as much as i am hitting the X button. runing up to something sitting there waitting for you attack gauge to charge is not real time.
![]() There are 3 kinds of perverts in this world 1. Those that hid it. 2. Those that accpect. 3. Those that are Ero Sennin |
06-07-2007, 03:15 PM
there was alot of talk about 12 having certain things, but it ended up being completely different right??
i just dont think they would go for the kingdom hearts approach! My heart bleeds,
Look at you hiding, all the things to endure me. I need you here with me, Breathing, wanting you to believe me, I see you in all of these faces, Blush with shame, when I think of you, and your pale skin. I need you here with me, Breathing, wanting you to believe me, I sell my soul for you... |
06-07-2007, 03:35 PM
you make a que system the problem with a que based system is the ai will countiune to do the list of commands it gave it self.what it was doing until it gets to your command. meaning it could be to late by the time it gets to your command. the demo of the FF12 ran on a que based system and it sucked they changed the system for the acutal game. the only way to fix this problem is to make the ai complete Real time like is in kingdom hearts and it act to eveything you do. but then you no longer have control of the party. can't do that thou because your just playing a different verison of kingdom hearts. ![]() There are 3 kinds of perverts in this world 1. Those that hid it. 2. Those that accpect. 3. Those that are Ero Sennin |
06-07-2007, 03:39 PM
well it was almost like real time in 12,
you had control over the characters, just only one at a time and you had the ability to contol them with the gambit system i thought that was interesting My heart bleeds,
Look at you hiding, all the things to endure me. I need you here with me, Breathing, wanting you to believe me, I see you in all of these faces, Blush with shame, when I think of you, and your pale skin. I need you here with me, Breathing, wanting you to believe me, I sell my soul for you... |
06-07-2007, 04:42 PM
the gambit system was the ai and it was trash espeical since you have to pay for the fuctions that should have defulted as a option to start with. not only do you have to pay for them once you have to pay for them twice. once in gil witch is very rare, and by lp to gain the slots to place rules in witch you only get 1 per monster killed. The reason why you feel like a programmer. becuase you have to set up the 900 different possablitys in a fight, makeing it useless because it 1,000 easyer to you do it your self with the time shows up. The ai could have be made much simpler and fuction more efficently in a Real time envoriment ( kingdom hearts) The point is simple if they use a simlar systme in ff13 the going to bomb. I though ff12 was kewl at frist and that it would just take some getting used to but it did the oppiste the more and more i played it the more and more i hated it.
![]() There are 3 kinds of perverts in this world 1. Those that hid it. 2. Those that accpect. 3. Those that are Ero Sennin |
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