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(#751 (permalink))
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11-14-2007, 05:45 PM

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(#752 (permalink))
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11-14-2007, 08:09 PM

Originally Posted by miyavikuun View Post
ahhh that game seems awesome and yeah you wana see something fun but tetsuya nomura?
WHO ELSE? He's the best at it.

And yes, nuobo is great.

Man I'm busy as hell. Hit me up on MSN or pm me.
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(#753 (permalink))
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11-15-2007, 10:53 PM

I'll buy a PSP just for this game alone.

There's a rumour that Kefka's in the game too
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(#754 (permalink))
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11-17-2007, 09:03 PM

Finally, something comes out about this game. I've been hearing it's another part to the XIII saga, is that true or is it a rumor? Anyways it looks pretty damn cool. Now I have another reaosn to get a PSP.
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11-17-2007, 09:41 PM

I got XII when it first came out in the States (October 2006) and I still haven't gotten 100 % in it. I completed the game now I'm working on the extra stuff like finding all the weapons, beating all the extra bosses (like Hell Hyrm which took me two hours to kill -.-). Now I've been working on leveling my main party up to level 99 (which is made up of Ashe, Basch, and Fran) and I've been trying to find The Seer. Then I plan to go after Yiazmat... After all that I need to level up my secondary part which is Vann, Penelo, and Balither who I pretty much ignored all throughout the game (except for their Quickings) so they're only at like level 30 (sad, I know).
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(#756 (permalink))
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11-17-2007, 09:43 PM

Originally Posted by Thunda View Post
Did u guys realize that almost everything monsters and such are named after places in history??


egypt, such places, around bc 2000

How intelligent they may be... or theyre bad at guessing names XD
Looking back at past games (I can't remember off the top of my head), but it seems like Square Enix does that on purpose.
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(#757 (permalink))
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11-19-2007, 07:55 PM

I'm so excited about this game. I love seeing older FF's being brought back into the spotlight....and gosh darnit if Zidane doesn't look absolutely delicious!! xDDD

But seriously, I can't wait for the game. It looks amazing.
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The Final Fantasy Series - 11-21-2007, 09:06 AM

Wow so far great game.

For those of you that dont know.

FFRW came out yesterday on the ds.

a follow up to XII

very unique game play, and use of the gambit system

Basicly the game play is you have your main characters and you can assign them monsters that follow and attack.

Capture spawn points, kill bosses, gather resources to make your own weapon.

Really fun stuff, you can replay missions to lvl up or gather more resources.

can control one unit or select all units with the stylist to send out commands such as heal/attack/cast/buff etc.

over all very stylish and unique gameplay.

highly recommend even if your not a FF fan.

MR.JF & Jf God
heres a personal Ty to all who voted and participated http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ER8CsVuTNY

please check out the videos and subscribe!

feel free to pm/aim/msn me for any Q's on Japan
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(#759 (permalink))
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Final Fantasy - 11-25-2007, 07:43 PM

A few days ago, the fourth expansion to Final Fantasy XI: Online was released. Wings of the Goddess contains additional endgame content, and introduces a third form of large-scale battle. The updates that followed it allows players to have party members inside their moghouse, regardless of whether any of the players has purchased, installed and/ord registered the expansion.

It also introduces two new jobs, the Scholar (SCH) and the Dancer (DNC). The Scholar will be similar to a hybrid between the White Mage and the Black Mage, although the Scholar will later gain some of its own spells. The dancer acts as a front-line healer; its various dances will benefit the party while potentially striking at its foes. Both classes present new ways to play the game, and have been seen as useful in parties.

Finally, the really large content to the expansion is the option to - for those who are able - travel back twenty years in time, to the Crystal War era. You will get to revisit some places that will be familiar yet feel different. While the amount of quests and missions isn't very large, this will most likely change in the near future.

Aside from the expansion, there has been some adjustments. The Puppet Master, previously considered a weak job, has now improved and become quite a versatile job. The Red Mage has been subject to change, and will now be able to be more front-line than previously. Two-handed weapons have been adjusted; for those of you who enjoyed the changes made last time, you will notice that these weapons deal less damage than before. The option to play in windowed mode as opposed to full-screen has now ben implemented (accessed through Start -> Programs -> PlayOnline -> FINAL FANTASY XI -> FINAL FANTASY XI Config).

/end rant. Who's still into this rather old and outdated MMORPG? I'm playing it, rather fresh to the game but familiar to it in some ways as I played it for a month last year. I haven't purchased Wings of the Goddess because no store in my town sells it. Also, there has been heavy complaints about not being able to register it because of server overloads, although plenty of Japanese people have done so successfully.

For those of you who're familiar with the game, places like La Theine Plateau and Valkurm Dunes are smacked with Scholars and Dancers. While I admit that Dancers are great in your party, There's serious shortage of other jobs. Heavy damage-dealing classes like Dragoon and Samurai and Black Mage comes to mind, and good support/healing classes like Red Mage, White Mage and Bard.

I really just wanted to voke some activity about FFXI. Just wanted to see who's playing it and who among you used to play it, or are planning to play it. I personally hate this period - being a Level 16 myself, I dislike having trouble finding a party, and seeing the common money income methods completely ruined (crystals these days hardly sell for above 1000 gil - just today, I sold a stack of Earth Crystals for 400 gil. Last year I sould a similar stack for sometimes thrice that sum). Rather, I've now resorted to farming for rabbit hides, wild onions and pots of honey.

But this game still rocks! Although it lacks seriously in some aspects as a game, its online community is splendid. I love it. Who's enjoying Vana'diel the way I am?

Last edited by Alastor : 11-26-2007 at 07:17 AM.
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(#760 (permalink))
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11-26-2007, 01:21 AM

Well that was quite an interesting read; personally I've never played the game, but I can say that it's quite big within the Otaku crowd at my school, they are obsessed with FFXI and a game called Monster Hunter 2 or something like that, they are always playing it on their psp instead of eating their 弁当 during lunch :-O
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