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(#771 (permalink))
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11-26-2007, 11:57 PM

Originally Posted by Alastor View Post
Now back to the topic at hand: Final Fantasy XI. Boy, do you have any idea how lucky you must've been? I have NEVER had anyone mention any Valkurm Emperor to me. I've NEVER been skill-chaining. And I think all that is because I'm playing this game 7 years after its release. I'm almost always the only one who lacks a subjob and is ranked below 5. These guys just want to level so they can do endgame stuff. They have their Linkshells and their friends, they don't need to be friends with me at all. I'm there to be their tank, and once the party disbands, I won't talk to them again, or something to that extent.

See where I'm getting at? In the current state, anyone who would want to start playing would feel less excited about the game since it would be 1 newbie in 10 000 endgamers. For someone who isn't familiar with the game will easily find him or herself killed by mobs, who will realize the tediousness of constant Healing and the loneliness that comes with 1-10. Sure, at first there's a level of excitement but the place is overwhelming and there's no actual guiding of the place. There is a reason why many players stop playing before their free 30 days are over, y'know.
Buy the strategy guide it helps a lot, thats why I knew about skill chains and the like.

Also you never NEED to make friends, its like in real life you have to try and make friends. You can party bounce thats what I did for the most part, or you can static with friends. As for mobs avoid Beastmen as a general rule they are generally the highest level creatures in an area and they tend to aggro.

Very few games get exciting right at the start, so Its just like any game in my opinion. You just have to make the best of the first few steps.

There is also a reason there are so many people at max level and still play as well.

Now go find him!

Last edited by Wyverian : 11-27-2007 at 12:02 AM.
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(#772 (permalink))
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11-27-2007, 12:58 AM

I've never played... Although it seems like and extremely fun game...

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(#773 (permalink))
Alastor (Offline)
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11-27-2007, 06:46 AM

Haha, of course most games start out slow, but after 48 hours of gameplay, I still think FFXI hasn't really started properly, and hate that. Games should NEVER take a long time to kick it off. Unfortunately they do, but look at games like Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy IX, Alundra, Diablo 2, or Parasite Eve 2. A few of the games I've played and that I like, and they all have a fairly speedy start.

Then again, FFXI is an MMORPG and you're supposed to make it start for yourself, but it's still hard when there are so few low-levels. On the other hand, I'm enjoying this game loads; you just have to get past the repetitive levelling between 1-10. But it's kind of bad of Square-Enix to have the beginning be so boring XD. I don't know why MMORPG's have these slow starts.
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(#774 (permalink))
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11-27-2007, 06:51 AM

Well do some quests when you start out, there are some beginning level quests you can do to make leveling less boring. Or if you can befriend a High Level Mage (that is either main or subbing White Mage, Scholar, Blue Mage, Red Mage, or Paladin) have them power level you to make the road to level ten super super fast.

Also it shouldn't be to hard to find low main level jobbers... I located this chart that shows the rate of Main Job levels.

Last edited by Wyverian : 11-27-2007 at 07:44 AM. Reason: Added a chart.
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(#775 (permalink))
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01-21-2008, 04:52 AM

*Didn't notice this was an FF XI thread*

Microsoft is making computer's just like air conditioners; they work properly until you open WINDOWS.
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(#776 (permalink))
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01-21-2008, 05:09 AM

I've always wanted to get this, but my internet doesn't have the capability to play it. Damned dial-up. I might get DSL soon, though!

Thanks for reading!
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(#777 (permalink))
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01-21-2008, 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer View Post
Is it worth playing for someone who doesn't like real-time fighting in RPGs? I prefer turn-based.

Is it futuristic the way XIII looks? It looks more like a style of FFIX.......
Well it's okay to play... The battling is really great and all I can say is that it's not hard to do it... Well since you can use Gambits which allow you to tell characters that you don't want to tell what to do and they'll do auto things... You'd have to research on it... But it's very worthwhile!

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(#778 (permalink))
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01-21-2008, 07:33 PM

haha that is the only game that i have played tht ive died more then 20 times but i like that game it is fun except for the whole dieing thing i mostly died because of that damn bird thingy at the temple place

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(#779 (permalink))
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01-21-2008, 07:38 PM

I love it! (still think FFX is better though, don't know why?!)
But don't you just hate it that you can already screw up getting the strongest weapon in the game in the first few hours??!
Because i did...after nearly completing the game i find out i can't get the damn spear anymore because of some dumb chest i opened a hunderd hours of gaming ago??!
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(#780 (permalink))
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01-21-2008, 07:41 PM

I love FF XII, I buyed PS2 very late so when ff XII relesed i buyed both ps2 and ff XII.I think FF XII was the best ff-game ever! I love the licens system.
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