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ChibiShojoJournie (Offline)
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05-25-2008, 10:24 AM

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(#12 (permalink))
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05-25-2008, 10:45 AM

I am a girl myself, and I've been playing videogames since I was five, not sure though.

I don't even remember with which console I started gaming, It must have been the Playstation or the GameBoy Pocket. My first PS game was Tombui and my first GB game was Lion King -.-'

Now I own several handhelds (GBP, GBC, GBA SP, NDSL, PSP, PSP Slim& Lite), a Playstation and a Wii. I want to buy badly a GameBoy Micro.

I must be one of the few gilrs who play at my school, I know 3 girls who play, they don't do it as often as I do.

I love to play Pokémon, I remember I used to spend hours playing it with my (male) friends when I was like 6 years or so. I've been spending most of my time, there days, playing Pokémon Ruby, again, since I want not to restart Pokémon Diamond so that I can trade Pokémons to the Platinum version, I have no Wifi, that's why.

Nintendo DS Lite is my favorite console ever, I have 2 PSP's, and almost my PSP games weren't even played yet. I have monster hunter, which I want to play badly, but I have no time. Nor pacience to be always charging the PSP.

However, this summer I'll be playing a whole lot more, I hope.

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(#13 (permalink))
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05-25-2008, 08:52 PM

Originally Posted by Kai13 View Post
I am a girl myself, and I've been playing videogames since I was five, not sure though.

I don't even remember with which console I started gaming, It must have been the Playstation or the GameBoy Pocket. My first PS game was Tombui and my first GB game was Lion King -.-'

Now I own several handhelds (GBP, GBC, GBA SP, NDSL, PSP, PSP Slim& Lite), a Playstation and a Wii. I want to buy badly a GameBoy Micro.

I must be one of the few gilrs who play at my school, I know 3 girls who play, they don't do it as often as I do.

I love to play Pokémon, I remember I used to spend hours playing it with my (male) friends when I was like 6 years or so. I've been spending most of my time, there days, playing Pokémon Ruby, again, since I want not to restart Pokémon Diamond so that I can trade Pokémons to the Platinum version, I have no Wifi, that's why.

Nintendo DS Lite is my favorite console ever, I have 2 PSP's, and almost my PSP games weren't even played yet. I have monster hunter, which I want to play badly, but I have no time. Nor pacience to be always charging the PSP.

However, this summer I'll be playing a whole lot more, I hope.
It's great to meet other girl gamers! I'm one a few girl gamers at my school also, but since I got my friends into it there has been a few more. But they very rarely play regularly, like I tend to do. Yeah, Pokemon is a game most people have grown up with now! ^_^

Originally Posted by ChibiShojoJournie View Post
Ah! SO your first console was the Sega Genesis? So was mine! And I was around three years old whenever I played my first game.... Sonic is my buddy! ^-^

Hey you can probably go a lot of places with your video, and I liked how you related to everyone as well as giving your thoughts on the games. I currenlt have Twilight Princess for Gamecube and my first game there was actually the Zelda pack that came with it-- it had four Zelda games in one: The first two that ever came out, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask. I wish I still had them. ;-; *sniff*

Oh wait! Sonic Unleashed will be coming out this November, so mebbie you should do a review of that as soon as you play it. Also, do you happen to know of any tricks in certain games can you found that can be performed? Like for example, there was this one youtube video I saw where this person demonstrated on how to make the mini boss theme last longer on until you played the wind waker. It was for Wind Waker for Gamecube. Check it out!:

YouTube - Wind Waker - Earth temple mini boss glitch with AR

I thought that was very amusing and I am thinking of trying that! Anyways you did an awesome job on your video and I strongly encourage you to do more like that!
Yeah, my friend has the special edition Zelda. I was going to get it but then I though nah, because I had all of the games seperate anyway. I also completed Master Quest that came with Wind Waker, that was cool. I'll definatly check out the Sonic game and see if I can do a review on it. If I find any interesting glitches then I'll be sure to mention them in my vids too!

Thankyou for your advice and encouragement everyone ~
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(#14 (permalink))
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05-29-2008, 09:41 PM

Hi Misa!
I just found yesterday a site with good Megadrive/Genesis downloads, so I downloaded the few Megadrive games I had before (the site seemed to be cleaned and not virused; anyway I only took the games I had before by nostalgy ) and I would to thank you so I played again my favourites Sonic, Street of Rage and LHX Attack Chopper due to the very nice video you did.

So not was so bad anyway (did you like Strider? A killing game I always thought )

See ya then,


Qu'est ce qui pourrait être plus beau que les fleurs de cerisier?
さくらのはなが だいすきですよ!
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(#15 (permalink))
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05-29-2008, 10:31 PM

Originally Posted by KitsuneFr View Post
Hi Misa!
I just found yesterday a site with good Megadrive/Genesis downloads, so I downloaded the few Megadrive games I had before (the site seemed to be cleaned and not virused; anyway I only took the games I had before by nostalgy ) and I would to thank you so I played again my favourites Sonic, Street of Rage and LHX Attack Chopper due to the very nice video you did.

So not was so bad anyway (did you like Strider? A killing game I always thought )

See ya then,

I love Streets of Rage! I'm pretty sure I've got it in a cupboard somewhere
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(#16 (permalink))
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05-29-2008, 10:38 PM

I just downloaded the three episodes. How great they are!!!

Qu'est ce qui pourrait être plus beau que les fleurs de cerisier?
さくらのはなが だいすきですよ!
(Sakura no hana ga daisuki desu yo!)
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05-29-2008, 10:54 PM

It was good however << I don't like the name.
Why should girl gamers separate themselves from male gamers?
A girl gaming these days shouldn't be such a surprise and things that tend to say, " Oh I'm a woman and I'm gaming" well isn't that just like a male saying, " You're a woman and you're gaming".. This is sort of hard to describe.
basically I mean, why point yourself out. Men and Women are equals we shouldn't go into separate groups and have all this pride over our sex.
Why not call it " The world of gaming" or " Misa's Gaming Informer" I think that'd give a stronger message, that you're a female and you game like the males, rather then something that sounds sort of sexist.
Not just female gamers should stick together. All gamers should.
And not just gamers should stick together.. all people should.

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Can't you see the tears roll down the street?"
- Stevie Ray Vaughan
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(#18 (permalink))
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05-30-2008, 01:11 AM

To be honest I didn't like it.

Not that it was bad, but more towards the fact that you only seemed like you brought up the console wars (which is a fallacy btw, but that's something different) was to undertone the other two, and glorify your preference. Which is fine, but not a very good tactic to make yourself come across as impartial, and giving fair reviews.

With that said the main thing I noticed was your lack of insight towards the other two consoles. Which is fine, but if you're going to review all three, isn't very professional at all.

Like with the features, you made sure you highlighted everything but only skimmed the other two. You said the Wii has the browser, USB, DS connectivity, News, Sports, Weather, and Shopping channels (basically dedicated websites that can be viewed only through an application), and of course the motion sensing controller.

PS3 you only really mentioned Blu-Ray (You really misrepresented what Blu-Ray was it seemed too) and USB ports, and Online play like you just wanted to get it out of the way. When really the PS3 has a browser just like the Wii, it's own store (better in my opinion, I hate dealing with that crap of 'MS Points" or "Wii points" having to do some nonsense convertion when I can just use real money straight to my credit card), way more PSP interactivity (remote play, remote start, digital copies from Blu-Rays, downloadable games/demos off the store, file transfer). Media center features (you can steam music and video straight to the PS3 wirelessly), 6 way video conferencing, instant messaging and the the freedom of user-created themes, and wallpapers.

The 360 you're right about the online play, and the media center. You can sync your MSN sign in to show what game you're playing. It too can also stream media from your/a PC. The 360 also has a video market place offering high definition video and movie downloads (rental/purchase, and not quite 1080p, compressed 1080i/720p I think). The late HD-DVD add on (cheap but limited alternative), and lastly achievements.

As for games the only thing you were off about is the PS3 being hurting for games. It's having several released this year. Exclusives I can name are Haze (critics nightmare, but apparently good), MGS4, Little Big Planet, Disgaea 3, and Siren. Yea yea, not many point being the notion that PS3 has no games is out-of date. It's rare to see a truely "great" game released exclusively now a days aside from some Nintendo ones... because they milk their franchises to death but make sure to treat the cow like a queen so the milk stays fresh and they don't end up with a dried teet.

To summarize: Overall it was okay, but you should really look more into the competition before doing reviews like this so you don't get immediately dismissed as a fanboy/girl looking for an excuse to be on the internets.

Lastly, like noodle said I'd recommend scripting.

As of 08/11/2008 5:33 PM Eastern Standard time I now officially own:
Miyavi, Kyo, Yuusuke, Maya, Gou, Aki, Aoi, Jun, Yusa, Jui, Key, Heechul, Yesung, Riku, Kei, Jyou, Satoshi, Takeru, Sin, Teddyloid, ♀Yooh♂, Reo, Tomoya, Tatsuro, Hitsugi, Kyoharu, Takanori Nishikawa, Jay Chou, Hirokai, Die, Kaoru, Shinya, and Toshiya.
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(#19 (permalink))
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06-06-2008, 10:00 PM

Originally Posted by Tyrien View Post
To be honest I didn't like it.

Not that it was bad, but more towards the fact that you only seemed like you brought up the console wars (which is a fallacy btw, but that's something different) was to undertone the other two, and glorify your preference. Which is fine, but not a very good tactic to make yourself come across as impartial, and giving fair reviews.

With that said the main thing I noticed was your lack of insight towards the other two consoles. Which is fine, but if you're going to review all three, isn't very professional at all.

Like with the features, you made sure you highlighted everything but only skimmed the other two. You said the Wii has the browser, USB, DS connectivity, News, Sports, Weather, and Shopping channels (basically dedicated websites that can be viewed only through an application), and of course the motion sensing controller.

PS3 you only really mentioned Blu-Ray (You really misrepresented what Blu-Ray was it seemed too) and USB ports, and Online play like you just wanted to get it out of the way. When really the PS3 has a browser just like the Wii, it's own store (better in my opinion, I hate dealing with that crap of 'MS Points" or "Wii points" having to do some nonsense convertion when I can just use real money straight to my credit card), way more PSP interactivity (remote play, remote start, digital copies from Blu-Rays, downloadable games/demos off the store, file transfer). Media center features (you can steam music and video straight to the PS3 wirelessly), 6 way video conferencing, instant messaging and the the freedom of user-created themes, and wallpapers.

The 360 you're right about the online play, and the media center. You can sync your MSN sign in to show what game you're playing. It too can also stream media from your/a PC. The 360 also has a video market place offering high definition video and movie downloads (rental/purchase, and not quite 1080p, compressed 1080i/720p I think). The late HD-DVD add on (cheap but limited alternative), and lastly achievements.

As for games the only thing you were off about is the PS3 being hurting for games. It's having several released this year. Exclusives I can name are Haze (critics nightmare, but apparently good), MGS4, Little Big Planet, Disgaea 3, and Siren. Yea yea, not many point being the notion that PS3 has no games is out-of date. It's rare to see a truely "great" game released exclusively now a days aside from some Nintendo ones... because they milk their franchises to death but make sure to treat the cow like a queen so the milk stays fresh and they don't end up with a dried teet.

To summarize: Overall it was okay, but you should really look more into the competition before doing reviews like this so you don't get immediately dismissed as a fanboy/girl looking for an excuse to be on the internets.

Lastly, like noodle said I'd recommend scripting.
Yeah I agree with you on the points that you raised. I wanted to share my history with people first so they understood why I liked the Nintendo, just so that they could see why I was swayed by the franchise and so on.

I'm not going to blame it all on this but on YouTube you can only have 10 minute videos on there. I was talking about the Wii and as I was looking at the time I was like oh shit, need to do the others! So that was the reason why the others were not as detailed, and I had to retake the scenes a few times to get them to fit into the very strict time bracket. Next time I will definatly time myself better so I spend equal times discussing all the consoles equally and fairly, because as you can see the PS3 was at the end so I was rushing it a bit.

I really wish I could have said more and even as a side note to my video it does say - ' Unfortunatly I had a lot more to analyse but had to cut it short, but I think I still got quite a bit in there. '

I truly didn't mean to sort of - put the Wii on a pedastal. I still don't believe I did that - I even cut it out in terms of the technical aspects as there wasn't anything really to compare at that level.

In terms of PS3 games I should have elaborated but was running out of time, all I really said was 'there are franchises that are still unreleased so there will be lots more games in the future.' I should have said more.

Thank you very much for your advice though it's much appreciated, it will be very helpful for my next review.

Also I have now added some small subtitles where people were getting confused when I was talking about. Now there are some lists of the features and games to make things more organised.

While I only had brief notes for this, the next piece I do will be fully scripted and less uneven than my first review was.

Originally Posted by EveV View Post
It was good however << I don't like the name.
Why should girl gamers separate themselves from male gamers?
A girl gaming these days shouldn't be such a surprise and things that tend to say, " Oh I'm a woman and I'm gaming" well isn't that just like a male saying, " You're a woman and you're gaming".. This is sort of hard to describe.
basically I mean, why point yourself out. Men and Women are equals we shouldn't go into separate groups and have all this pride over our sex.
Why not call it " The world of gaming" or " Misa's Gaming Informer" I think that'd give a stronger message, that you're a female and you game like the males, rather then something that sounds sort of sexist.
Not just female gamers should stick together. All gamers should.
And not just gamers should stick together.. all people should.
Thanks for you comments and suggestions EveV. I have to agree with you. I was bloody stuck for a name I can tell you >.< I understand your point and I even said at the start, 'There are lots of girl gamers - it isn't a big deal anymore.' In the end I gave up on the name and just stuck with that one, with a hope of changing it in the future. This was basically just a test drive if you get what I mean, getting feedback so I can perfect it. I will definatly take your suggestions into account when making my next video and thank you for your feedback.

Last edited by MissMisa : 06-06-2008 at 10:03 PM.
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