Originally Posted by SephirothVVC
no, Vincent is Seph's dad. Lucretcia and Vincent had Seph and Hojo injected her with Jenova cells....no one would ever mate with that disturbing man(hojo)
I definetly agree with you on your assessment of Hojo. However, I have to disagree with your interpretation of events. Their back-story is told by Vincent, with an accompanying flash-back sequence, when he finds Lucrecia again in her cave behind the waterfall in FFVII. (The story is told again in Dirge of Cerberus.)
Vincent was in love with Lucrecia -- no question about that. The waterfall cave sequence in VII implies that she loved him in return [part of the scene showing them walking through Nibelheim holding hands], and in Dirge of Cerberus that is shown to be a fact. However, Lucrecia turns away from Vincent to embrace Hojo both figuratively and literally [she pulls her hands away from Vincent's and runs off. The next scene shows her embracing Hojo; Vincent, in the fore-ground, hangs his head in despair.] Vincent narrates: "If she is happy then, I don't mind."
Why did she choose Hojo? It's never really clear (and, like you said, he's disturbing). At one point in FFVII, Vincent suggests that she may have felt she could protect Hojo from himself.
I've spent about ten years wrapping my brain around this one.