Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer
When you explained more it helps me to see more where you are coming from. I don't really see how Squall is like a clone of Cloud. Cloud just has an " I don't care" attitude about everything. Until he met Aerith his views changed to some degree, later on after she dies, he started to turn the anger from Sephiroth onto himself. This is much different then Squall. Squall had no friends and didn't want any, Squall followed order and had a game plan. Cloud was the leader and listened to others.
I used the word geneticly
altered for a reason here. I didn't say he's the exact copy of Cloud, but rather an exaggerated version of his "I don't care" personality. In the beginning Cloud was also cold when he joined the Avalanche, Same thing with Squall only it's streched through 2 CDs. Although like you said their development turned to different directions as the stories went.
Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer
I don't think there was ever a time when Squall actually whined.
I already mentioned one. It's the time when Irvine slapped sense into him to save Rinoa (He was whining then, alright) The other moment was when Balamb was attacked and Cid told that Squall is in charge. He was whining how the responsibility was to huge for him at a time when he was needed.
Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer
Perhaps I should of make it more clear. When I said I didn't play the first VI, I meant I didn't play the first six games. I didn't play 1-6. I only played 7-12. So personally I know virtually nothing about the first six games. Though I have played a bit of FFI recently.
Sorry, I got the impresion, that FF VI seemed no different to you just because you played FF. My apologies.