naruto: rise of a ninja -
10-26-2007, 03:59 PM
i just wanted to know what ppl think about the upcoming naruto game and is any1 anticapating it like me. i even got the countdown on my watch until oct.30th. me and my friends r putting together a tournament group so we can all play together online on tournament mode. it's gonna b awesome. if u got a gamertag just post it and we can play 2gether when it comes out. mine is pretty self explainitory. iluvNARUTO, believe it.
twin: animerox102
sister: tsuzuki
Big sister: Sachiko
Vampire: DarkNeko13
Fello Dargon Rider: AkuenKigahen
Kakashi: Animerox102
Itachi: Tsuzuki
Mikoto: MaymeRachael
Obito: Sblegach
Hinata: Dijital
Hanabi: Sachiko