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07-08-2008, 05:37 PM
I think I have to study the word Variety again. Quote:
Oh can you? slurp the noodles!? I am hopeless! I am very bad at it. But my husband told me that I should make a good sound whenever I eat noodles (of course pasta is an exceptional though) otherwise the noodles I am having would look yucky. Since then I have been practicing and getting better, but still bad enough for a native Japanese! Quote:
It's interesting. Quote:
私と夫は セミ・ベジタリアン(?)みたいなかんじで す。 ・・・というと 本格的なベジタリアンの人に失礼かも しれませんね。 牛乳も飲みますし、卵もいただきます。 また海のものを中心にいただくので、ベジタリアンとは 呼べませんね。 でも私のオーストラリアやイギリスの友達の多くはベジ タリアンです。 Quote:
but actually he SAID THAT! and it WASN'T a joke! I guess he picked a wrong Japanese girl to say that. Quote:
Let me try to translate it? even I know this may sound un-natural though. He enjoyed "being teased/bantered" and also enjoyed "seeing people got jealous". I may sound very silly to keep talking about my ex, but sorry I AM a little drunk! It's 3 am but I haven't finished my paper work which I have been working on since 9pm! It's too much! So, I felt too much stressed and decided to have some drink! Now I had 1L of Kahlua Milk. now, back to my stupid stories: He took me everywhere he thought his friends would be at. And he goes like " Oh, what a coincident! I didn't know you would be here!" and starts talking to that people (his friends) and on purposely he doesn't introduce me to them, untill they ask HIM "Who is this girl?"(I don't know what they said, maybe more politly) Then he goes like "Oh, sorry! This is my girlfriend, Mayumi. She is from Japan!" If this happened one time or two, then I wouldn't have cared, but... happened more than a few times! "what a childish of him" !!! Quote:
StripMahjong san....... You are... you know? I think we should talk on the phone or something and it has to be IN JAPANESE. Your sense of humor in Japanese works! good! I really like people here (you are one of my favourite people). I wish we all meet up one day in Japan and have a chat over Soba nooldles or Ramen, and we all would be making a great sounds of slurping! Quote:
よかったです。 時々私の話は長くなります。 私はとても「早口」なので、喋ると短い時間で済むので すが、 書くと長くなるんですよ。 またね |
07-08-2008, 06:17 PM
![]() your (near)future girlfriend is very lucly! Please tell her that a Japanese girl said that she is very lucky to have you. Quote:
Maybe my goosebumps haven't come out even when very exciting things happen to me. Quote:
good on ya! (I am not sure if you use this, I learned this in Australia) |
07-09-2008, 03:20 AM
![]() Unfortunately for you, she is not here. "Ride for ruin, and the world ended!" |
07-09-2008, 04:17 AM
I don't know if this is how I'm "supposed" to do it, but it works! ![]() Quote:
I was so confused when I ate ラーメン here in the U.S.... I was in a Japanese restaurant, but the restaurant was in the U.S.! I was worried that slurping the noodles would upset everyone else in the restaurant, but not slurping them would make the restaurant staff think I wasn't enjoying the meal. I didn't know what to do, so I ended up trying to slurp them quietly. Quote:
![]() Quote:
Hmm...that was a lot of hard grammar. I hope that made sense! Could you explain 「また海のものを中心にいただくので」 for me? I understood what it meant from the context of the sentence, but I don't understand how 「中心」 is used here. My dictionary translates it as "center" or "middle." Quote:
Unless he DID like people teasing him. He sounds like a really weird person, after all! Quote:
なんかワイルドですね! ![]() ちょっと酔いましたから、まゆみ先生の小さい間違いを 許してあげます。 Quote:
・・・でも、一ヶ月前に、僕は日本語で書き込めないと 思いまして、ただいまそういうことをしています! や っぱり、電話でも話せるかもしれません。 もちろん、電話よりインタネットを使ったほうが安いで すね。 僕はマイクロホンがありませんけど、ノートパ ソコンはウエブカメラがあります。 スカイプでも使え ると思います。 いつか、してみたいですか? Quote:
![]() (ユーモアのかんかくは「sense of humor」の意味ですか? 辞書から取りましたけど・・・� ��ょっとおかしい言葉) Quote:
It would be a lot of fun to meet up with everyone one day and talk over some noodles. We could compete to see who slurps the best! ![]() Quote:
でも、まゆみ先生と話すのは楽しいから、かまわないで す。 ![]() またね! |
07-10-2008, 07:16 AM
(Is there a better way to say this? My mind seems blank right now....) Interesting... I did enjoy reading this! I'm going to use it with my teacher and tutor! Zuku is my new Japanese word.... ありがとう! ![]() |
07-10-2008, 01:04 PM
You are welcome, but ZUKU... not many Japanese people (except Nagano people)would know so it won't be useful but I think we can enjoy knowing something only limited people know right? |
07-10-2008, 02:54 PM
So me (or not only me, but other Japanese) can watch it and will tell you what they think!haha ![]() Quote:
Like caring about how other people would feel/think and then decide what or how to do/act/say! I am afraid that that kind of lovely attitude has been disapeering little by little in Japan. It seems like people have been more selfish and aggressive, looks like "I do whatever/however I like, I don't care what you think or feel about it" . Well, I don't mean that it's good to be intimidated everytime we do something and care too much about other people's opinions, but I like people who "care" (not too much but right amount!) about others. So I like how you ate the ラーメン at the Japanese restaurant in the USA! If I were the waitress at that restaurant, I would probably encourage you to slurp them, then I would say "Wow, you know how to eat Ramen properly, it's amazing!" and I would say it loud enough to let all the customers hear it to let them know you were doing the right thing! Quote:
もし、私がレストランで カツカレーを注文したとして も、たぶん全部食べられないと思います。 すぐにおなかがいっぱいになりそう! なので、通常男の人は女の人よりもたくさん食べる人が 多いので、 カツカレーのように食べごたえのあるメニューは 男の 人っぽい イメージがあるのかも しれません。 but this is only my opinion about カツカレー。 I don't know what other Japanese people think about it. I never really seriously talk about it, like " ねえねえ、カツカレーについてどうおもう?" Well, I think I can ask some of my female friends about it, and will get back to you with their answers! Quote:
Your sentense was very good, and maybe I don't have to correct any part, but this is how I would say: アメリカでは、牛乳を飲んでも、卵を食べても、牛肉と 鶏肉を食べなければ、自分の事をベジタリアンと呼びま す。 I don't quite understand why you used 「じゃ」 there, you meant "then"? そういう人はすくないだけど you don't need だ there, so 「すくないけど」 ですね。 but to be a strict teacher, I would like you to use polite form there. I mean そういうひとはすくないけど たしかにいます。 「~けど」is a casual form. 「います」is a fomal/polite form. so if you stick with only one form, either casual or polite, it would sound more natural. But even Japanese people would mix them sometimes just by mistake, but sometimes on purpose. I think it would be good for you to learn formal ways to talk first, then after, it 's good and fun to start using casual ways as well as slangs and all. Quote:
The basic mean of 「中心」 is center or middle of something. but in this case, I used it as "mainly" 「海のものを中心にいただく」 means "I eat things mainly from the seas/What I eat are mainly something from the sea" I know this might sound "funny" but this is the literally meaning. Quote:
Yes, to me, he seemed to be enjoying (or looked happy) when some people teased him about having a Japanese girlfriend. Quote:
wild? me? with "kahlua milk"? I wish I could be a girl who can drink a lot of alcohol like beer, sake,vodka and all that cool drinks! but me, I am totally weak! I could drink it because it's with milk, how weak, how uncool! Quote:
but I often tell stupid stories when I am drunk, so I have to be careful! Quote:
I will be more careful. Quote:
Actually I don't know hot to use Skype. and don't have a web-camera. but I once tried talking in a chat room somewhere (maybe one in Yahoo?), about Japanese/English and was a lot of fun. I talked with a few people at the same time. I only need a microphone for it, but I haven't used it for a long long time. What do you think the best way is? Maybe we can invite the people too, like having a little "party" using one of the chat rooms so that we can all actually "talk" each other. Before that party, you and me should talk and organize it! and you will have to tell me a lot of jokes! Quote:
mmm, ユーモアの感覚(かんかく)でも 正しいと思います。 でもよくきく表現は 「あなたはユーモアのセンスがある」という言い方です 。 でも若い人たちはあまり ユーモア という言葉を使わ ず、シンプルに 「あなたはおもしろい」と言います。 Quote:
![]() and sure! you ARE doing a great job at that! Quote:
I am going to beat everyone of you! I am gonna be the champion of slurping, yeay! Quote:
I am going to make my husband to come here to read your comment! haha ![]() |
07-10-2008, 03:19 PM
You know what? I typed "sweet" twice in an hour, while reading the comments here. People here are so nice and gentle and polite and all! ( I know I shouldn't have used "and" that many times, but this is how I would really say to you if I meet you, so let me) You are one of my favourites! Your sweet comment made me smile too! Quote:
![]() and when they come up, I will take a picture of them! Have a good day Koir! |
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