Originally Posted by XOXkAWAIiXOX
Well.... I'm pretty sure all of them have been said but here's all I know:
English: Hello
Ghetto American: Yo, wut up, dawg!
German: Guten Tag, Hallo. (either one. The first one actually means good day when directly translated, but same deal)
Japanese: -romaji: Konnichiwa, konbanwa (good day or hello, good evening)
-Kanji: こんにちは, こんばんは
French: Bonjour
Vietnamese: Xin chào
Thai: สวัสดี
Spanish: Hola
Hawaiian: Aloha
Italian: Ciao
Korean: 안녕하세요
Yeah so... thats it
Ohaiyo: good morning
Konnichiwa: good afternoon
Konbanwa: good evening
For vietnamese, xin chao sounds like "asking for hello" am i right? sounds odd... i never heard that around my whole family and my parents speaks both bac and nam.