07-14-2010, 10:23 PM
No worries! I too enjoyed our brief exchange and hope we can resume soon! Is it a new job? If so good luck! If not, good luck anyway! See you soon! 覚 Kaku is the nickname given to me by ゆりさん, derived from the word sarvodaya (सर्वोदय). This, in turn, is a word that was used by Mohandas Gandhi in his 1908 translation of John Ruskin's "Unto This Last" (1860s). |
07-14-2010, 10:24 PM
忍耐が重要です! (にんたいがじゆうようです!) Did that make sense? Quote:
In my secondary school days I was a cadet in the RAF section of the Combined Cadet Force (CCF). This is something that we have in British schools in part to introduce us to military life should we want to join the forces and in part just as a good activity for building skills such as leadership and teamwork and things like flying in the case of the RAF. We used to go on week-long camps on RAF bases where we would mix both with servicemen and women and with cadets from other schools. On one occasion there was a boy from another school who was very enthusiastic and took everything very seriously. Apparently he wanted to join the Royal Marines as soon as he left school. His colleagues, perhaps feeling that he thought he was better than them, would tease him about how seriously he took it all. They used to say sarcsastically "He's 'in training'!" and "Are you 'in training'!". So that's not a very nice example, but I think it shows quite well how there is a dividing line between things like playing, practising or enjoying and training. Quote:
That's a lovely photo! Quote:
I'm looking forward to seeing your new blog entry and posting my response. I think multiculturalism is an interesting issue, and I would like to know more about the background to the 'average' Japanese opinion on the matter. おやすみなさい。 覚 Kaku is the nickname given to me by ゆりさん, derived from the word sarvodaya (सर्वोदय). This, in turn, is a word that was used by Mohandas Gandhi in his 1908 translation of John Ruskin's "Unto This Last" (1860s). |
07-16-2010, 03:34 PM
ヤムさん カクさん と きくと、 日本(にほん)の おもしろい 昔話(むかしばなし)の本(ほん)を 思(おも)いだします。 やじさん きたさん と いう 男性(だんせい)二人 (ふたり)が 旅(たび)をする お話(はなし)です。 This book was one of my favourite when I was a child like... 10 years old. Quote:
It's not my new job, but I need a new idea for this summer school activity to make my students really happy! and also I've got some difficult customers to deal with right now... honestly I don't mind they leave my school, but their children don't want to leave and I love the kids too... 私(わたし)は、長野県(ながのけん)の 小(ちい) さな町で、小さな小さな 英語(えいご)教室(きょう しつ)を 経営(けいえい)しています。 毎週(まいしゅう) 水(すい)曜日(ようび) から 金(きん)曜日 の夕方(ゆうがた) だけです。 生徒(せいと)は 4歳(さい)~10歳です。 みんな 英語(えいご)を 遊(あそ)びながら 学( まな)んでいます。 公園(こうえん)に 行(い)ったり、絵(え)を描( か)いたり・・・。 その他(ほか)には 粘土(ねん ど) や 色々(いろいろ)な 工作(こうさく)を します。 まるで 体育(たいいく) や 美術(びじゅつ)の 教室 みたいです。 でも こどもたちは 外国人(がいこくじん)の先生( せんせい)が 英語だけで話(はな)しても ほとんど 理解(りかい)できるんですよ! Sorry...was it too long??? すみません...長(なが)すぎましたか??? Well... I think I shold go back to work now. 覚さん Have a lovely day! |
07-18-2010, 06:25 PM
ゆりさん, I have posted the following to your blog: Quote:
I have had very little time this weekend, and ヤムさん, you have posted a meaty, long and difficult-looking post for me to devour; so I promise I will respond to that soon, but I cannot respond yet! I am sorry. ヤムさん、I know I can say this much: I am glad I made you smile! I would, and I'm sure ゆりさん would, love to hear any thoughts if you have time on Yuri's blog by posting comments there. Oh, and I almost forgot, ゆりさん, I think there has been some problem in transferring over the text of your composition to blogspot, and they have published one of my editorial comments in the text of the blog. 覚 Kaku is the nickname given to me by ゆりさん, derived from the word sarvodaya (सर्वोदय). This, in turn, is a word that was used by Mohandas Gandhi in his 1908 translation of John Ruskin's "Unto This Last" (1860s). |
覚さん -
07-19-2010, 04:04 AM
It has been taking me a bit longer time to finish because I don't want to make too many mistakes here to make you or . Honestly, when I post at JF... Im usually having a little bit of お酒(さけ)and I just write whatvever comes up in my mind without deep thinking, and without a dictionary. When Im sober, I do deep thinking and it makes me a bit afraid of saying wrong things by mistakes. Now I realized how I have been lazy not using a dictionary properly to write better English. I remember when I was a full time student, my dictionaries and I were like best friends! My favourite was OALD recommended by my favourite teacher from Manchester. I used it not only for looking up words, but for browsing and really enjoyed it. (Im not sure if browse is the right word...) Now I decided to buy me a new dictionary! My favourite OALD is now 10 years old and actually it's missing right now in my messy class room. 覚さん、Would you give me advice? I was going to buy the latest OALD, but do you think I should choose one a bit easier? like "Oxford Wordpower Dictionary"? I thought I needed a bilingual one too so I looked for it Oxford University Press I just wonder why there is Korean-English dictionary but not Japanese-English one...because less and less people are interested in Japanese? Quote:
ゆりさん's blog was interesting!I read some and I wanted to post what I thought, but I think I need some time too,to write proper one because I don't want to ruin her blog with my wrong English! It looks like she has been working hard! Now I have to go back to work! I started renovating my class room from Saturday but haven't finished yet so it's very messy here. Do you enjoy DIY work? ("Do you do DIY work?" is proper here?) I do and I like breaking things in parts and using them to make something different, recycling! So my carpenter friend gave me an electric drill! Cool! I will be back when I finished my DIY work. 覚さん Have a lovely day! |
07-20-2010, 08:45 AM
@yt & Yytt
そろそろ日本語レッスン始めないと逃げられちゃうぞ~ 。もう二度と来ないからね、こういう人。 チャットに走り過ぎではないかなと、老婆心ながら危惧 する次第です。とにかく、ドカンと一度始めないと、こ のままダラダラいきそうでおっかない。 (いっそのこと乗っ取っちゃおうかな、スレごと・・・ ・なーんて、ウソ。でもそう考える人がもし入ってきた ら、マジで簡単に乗っ取られるよ。まだ、日本語レッス ンは始まってもいないんだから。) |
07-20-2010, 10:46 AM
Excuse my butting in. In case you were wondering what I had stated above, I was merely nudging the girls in the ribs so they could get the Japanese lessons started at last. Not that we are Charlie's Angels or anything, though, mind you. Bonne chance à vous tout de même ! |
07-21-2010, 08:56 AM
「頑張ります」is a politer version of 「頑張る(がんばる)」. “頑張る”の検索結果(72 件):英辞郎 on the Web:スペースアルク When you try something, you say 「頑張ります」to somebody. When your friend is trying something, you say「頑張ってください(がんばってください)≒Good luck! Or Give it your all.」to the friend. The casual saying of this is 「頑張って」and「頑張れ」. (Women would say 「頑張ってね」) Do you know the Japanese language has men’s way and Women’s way? When men would say 「頑張れ」, women would say 「頑張ってね」meaning Good luck. Many women speak like men when they speak casually, but if you(a man) say something like women, you would sound like gender identity disorder. However, don’t worry. Polite expressions are same between men and women. Men and women say 「頑張ります」and 「頑張ってください」. Quote:
In that situation, Japanese people would say 「頑張れ~!! 頑張れ~!!」 to him teasing him. Quote:
Nowadays some people say 「行ってらっしゃい。気をつけて。」 I’m home is 「ただいま」. We say it every time we get home. The literal translation is “just now”. The original and polite expression of「ただいま」 is「只今(ただいま)戻りました(もどりました)≒I’ m back now.」 When you returned to your office (after going out), you say 只今戻りました to your co-workers and your boss. When you get home and say 「ただいま」, your family say 「お帰りなさい(おかえりなさい)」 I know that you say “Welcome back” when someone return from a long absence, but we say 「ただいま」when I was out only for 30 min and my family say 「お帰りなさい」. The casual version is 「お帰り(おかえり)」. So, we say these words every day. 「行ってきます」「行ってらっしゃい」 「ただいま」「お帰りなさい」 Quote:
This is your home work. This is a very popular Japanese song. Almost all Japanese people know this. When you go to Karaoke with Japanese people, sing this song! Title:ああ人生に涙あり (ああじんせいになみだあり) 人生 楽ありゃ 苦もあるさ (じんせい らくありゃ くもあるさ) 涙のあとには 虹も出る (なみだのあとには にじ もでる) 歩いてゆくんだ しっかりと (あるいてゆくんだ しっかりと) 自分の道を ふみしめて (じぶんのみちを ふみし めて) 人生 勇気が必要だ (じんせい ゆうきがひつよう だ) くじけりゃ 誰かが先に行く (くじけりゃ だれかが さきにゆく) あとから来たのに 追い越され (あとからきたのに おいこされ) 泣くのが嫌なら さあ歩け (なくのがいやなら さ ああるけ) 人生 涙と笑顔あり そんなに悪くは ないもんだ なんにもしないで 生きるより 何かを求めて 生きようよ Quote:
I’m writing my answer, but I need a lot of time. Please wait. Quote:
I will finish my answer soon! Wait, please! Oh! I almost forgot again! Do you have a dictionary of kanji? I don’t mean a Japanese dictionary. It’s kanji dictionary or kanwa dictionary. Amazon.co.jp: ベネッセ新修漢和辞&#x 5178;: 新田 大作, 福井 文雅: 本 If you have questions about my post or Japanese customs, don't hesitate to ask. I YamaP |
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