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jittedude (Offline)
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underage drinking in Japan - 05-01-2008, 07:11 AM

I'm going to Japan this October. I'm 18 adn will be attending a university in Kofu.
My questions are these::
1. What's the penalty for being caught drinking underage in Japan?
I'm guessing deportation, but does anybody here have a
link to the law?
2. Anybody here who's been drinking in Japan underage and if so, were you carded?, where did you go? etc,etc,.
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(#2 (permalink))
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05-01-2008, 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by jittedude View Post
I'm going to Japan this October. I'm 18 adn will be attending a university in Kofu.
My questions are these::
1. What's the penalty for being caught drinking underage in Japan?
I'm guessing deportation, but does anybody here have a
link to the law?
2. Anybody here who's been drinking in Japan underage and if so, were you carded?, where did you go? etc,etc,.
Hey, here's an idea... rather than trying to figure out how you can break the law, and possibly jeopardize this great opportunity to study in Japan, why don't you try not drinking alcohol until you're old enough? It's crazy, but it just might work...

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05-01-2008, 03:48 PM

Stocking up on duty free ftw!
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05-01-2008, 03:50 PM

on a serious note though, I'm pretty sure that it's not actually a crime to drink under the age of 20. The crime is selling alcohol to an underage person so if you are caught, other people will pay the price (though I guess they should do their job properly and avoid that situation lol)
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05-01-2008, 04:06 PM

well considering beer is available from vending machine, he can just settle for beer and hide in his room to get drunk, probably will never be cuaght.

But I do agree, why are you looking for ways to break the law already? (IF there is such law)
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05-01-2008, 04:40 PM

My understanding is that it is illegal, but it's rarely enforced. However, it has been stepped up recently. If you look older, you orobably won't have a problem. If you have a baby face though, well, beware.
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05-01-2008, 04:52 PM


actually i dont have any clue about the situation in japan ..
i googled for a sec and found these links:

Legal Drinking Age

i didnt really check them .. on the first one you might find something at the links on the side

and here my comment to samurai and godwine:
its not about breaking the law .. its about drinking alcohol
its only that the law is in the way, no ?

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05-01-2008, 10:45 PM

There is a reason why rules/law/regulations are in place and imposed on us. The same reason why there are ESRB rating and similars

You come in my house and you play by my rule. I think its unethical to be thinking of "How can I break this law without penalities to gain personal pleasure"
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05-01-2008, 10:58 PM

I side with the previous posters when they say just don`t do it to begin with.

If you`re worried about the possible penalties, etc, the easiest way to avoid them is to just not drink during that time. You have the chance to go to Japan to study... But are willing to risk that for a couple drinks? Sounds like you have priority issues.

Oh, and by the way - they won`t deport you. You`ll just likely be booted from your university program. They don`t like to have international students who break the law. But in the end, it amounts to the same thing - if you`re not attending university, you lose your visa and can no longer stay in the country.

Just wait until you`re legal. It won`t kill you.

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05-02-2008, 06:57 PM

Hmm well,

First of all use some common sense. Youre 18 and here (Sweden) that would make you an adult (how bout where you're all from?). As such, for me, I dont see why you cant drink some from time to time. Just don't be an asshole during, please.

Anyways, when I was in Japan (Tokyo) at age 19, I went to bars/clubs/restaurants all over town (alot), and _NOT ONCE_ had any problems because of my age. So in that department, you should be home free.

Again, I'm not telling you what to do. You should be old enough to decide for yourself.

But to the previous poster; for me it's laughable to throw someone out of a university program for drinking. I mean come on. University = alot of partying. That's just life.

But again, check the rules. Would suck to be thrown out because of some pansy-ass rule.

Also, It was my understanding that you are underage for bars - not for drinking. Clarify that someone, please.
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