Originally Posted by spicytuna
Ah, I see what you mean but I won't require a work permit since I'll be entering using a "Nikkei visa".
Who knows? Maybe I'll cave in and apply with IBM Japan but in the meantime, I really want to fulfill my dreams of working in a restaurant. 
Good plan, do that, but I would recommend doing some research first, find out in what specialty do they need someone with a strong English background. So let say, they need someone that can speak English and is a proven Java developer, then you want to beef up your Java skills. Their requirement will be harsh, not just "any Java dveloper" will do, you really need to walk on water.
So do your research to know what they need first
In my case, one of the thing is that my expertise is now in software testing management, and consultation. Most management role in the software testing capacity don't need a foreigner or someone that speaks English, so that is also reflective of how my expertise doesn't match what they need. Most of the companies I found, who need a foreigner in a testing role, is in a true testing role... not someone with a management background.
If you background is too strong, they also fear that you will only take any offer to get your foot in the door, so adjust your resume accordingly