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(#361 (permalink))
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08-11-2008, 06:20 AM

Originally Posted by Paul11 View Post
Some sharkfin soup should relax your nerves.
I'm relaxed as a filbunke =)


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(#362 (permalink))
Paul11 (Offline)
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08-11-2008, 07:04 AM

Originally Posted by Henbaka View Post
I'm relaxed as a filbunke =)

What is "filbunke?"
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(#363 (permalink))
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08-11-2008, 07:06 AM

Originally Posted by Paul11 View Post
What is "filbunke?"
Bowl of soured milk. (almost like yoghurt)

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(#364 (permalink))
Paul11 (Offline)
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08-11-2008, 07:11 AM

Originally Posted by Henbaka View Post
Bowl of soured milk. (almost like yoghurt)
mmmm, delicious
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(#365 (permalink))
kapilyadav (Offline)
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Thumbs down this place is horrible - 06-16-2009, 01:11 AM

well i m from india and i m in complete love wid m country..
i came her for an internship,had great expectations from the country..heard lot about japanese people --they are very friendly,very helping,very hospitable..

but yo know what i have been asked many times--Why are you there? What do you do in your spare time? Why Japan?

yes,they treat us like we are inferior to them, but they also treat each other in the same way..i have never seen anybody talking to a stranger here. At the bus stop,itss like pin drop silence,in the bus same situation. Most of the time they sit alone or would rather like standing up then sitting next to a gaijin.

There's no excitement is their lives..everything going in a simple,straightforward manner like no turns..you like it initially when you come here but it starts to get annoying. It's been only 2 weeks and i kind of like it and also dislike it. THis place is beautiful or say something better than beautiful,but the people they wear these masks on their faces. when you go to a departmental store ,they greet you wid those fake smiles and "%&%&*&@###%" in japanese but never never will you find anyone to talk to or speaking to you outside.

Their is no adventure in their lives..i am an extrovert and i m feeling very lonely here. What do these people think about themselves?? I hate this homogeneous society..wid all that makeup on ur face..it pisses me of!!! Comeon you got such a beautiful country ,so natural but look at you guys...everytime under that thick film of makeup
therz an old saying that--a japanese child never sees the face of his mother till death all bcoz of the makeup..n their dressing and hairstyle..no words!!!

what they care about is reducing sound pollution and global warming ?? when their bullet comes out of tunnels ..they says it's a lot of noise and spend billions to find solution...Is that it??
there are more problems in the world..look outside your japan..people die of poverty, therz no water to drink but you people..you suck !!!

one more thing which i noticed, these people always want to live in japan never think about settling in other countries bcoz they never want to come out of there comfort zone,following the same timetable everyday with no changes
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(#366 (permalink))
JayT (Offline)
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06-16-2009, 02:44 AM

Originally Posted by kapilyadav View Post
well i m from india and i m in complete love wid m country..
i came her for an internship,had great expectations from the country..heard lot about japanese people --they are very friendly,very helping,very hospitable..

but yo know what i have been asked many times--Why are you there? What do you do in your spare time? Why Japan?

yes,they treat us like we are inferior to them, but they also treat each other in the same way..i have never seen anybody talking to a stranger here. At the bus stop,itss like pin drop silence,in the bus same situation. Most of the time they sit alone or would rather like standing up then sitting next to a gaijin.

There's no excitement is their lives..everything going in a simple,straightforward manner like no turns..you like it initially when you come here but it starts to get annoying. It's been only 2 weeks and i kind of like it and also dislike it. THis place is beautiful or say something better than beautiful,but the people they wear these masks on their faces. when you go to a departmental store ,they greet you wid those fake smiles and "%&%&*&@###%" in japanese but never never will you find anyone to talk to or speaking to you outside.

Their is no adventure in their lives..i am an extrovert and i m feeling very lonely here. What do these people think about themselves?? I hate this homogeneous society..wid all that makeup on ur face..it pisses me of!!! Comeon you got such a beautiful country ,so natural but look at you guys...everytime under that thick film of makeup
therz an old saying that--a japanese child never sees the face of his mother till death all bcoz of the makeup..n their dressing and hairstyle..no words!!!

what they care about is reducing sound pollution and global warming ?? when their bullet comes out of tunnels ..they says it's a lot of noise and spend billions to find solution...Is that it??
there are more problems in the world..look outside your japan..people die of poverty, therz no water to drink but you people..you suck !!!

one more thing which i noticed, these people always want to live in japan never think about settling in other countries bcoz they never want to come out of there comfort zone,following the same timetable everyday with no changes
I don't understand what's up with all the Bashing towards the behavior of Japanese people? Really, I'm half Japanese on my Fathers side and I always travel to Japan with my mother who isn't Asian at all. People have always been very nice and very helpful to her. I think it has a lot to do with how you act and how people perceive you. If you're polite and abide by their customs you really shouldn't have a problem with the people. Yes some of the older generations might not be as keen on foreigners as the younger ones are, but still, you can't expect them to be perfect.

From my experiences I've never met such honest people.
Just in the last week I've witnessed so much honesty among these people.
Just yesterday we were checking out of a very large hotel in Tokyo Disney and we just left a few coins in the room. As we were standing for our taxi this bellhop comes running out to us waving his hand! I suppose they were checking over the room and they stumbled across this small amount of yen and decided to run all the way across the hotel just to bring it to us. Of course we let him have it, although it took a while to convince him to keep it, and he was so, so grateful. I've never experienced people like that before. Sure you might have those days where you get ripped off by someone trying to make a little bit of money of a weary traveler. But what country doesn't do that at times, no one's perfect.

It's what you make of it, treat people well and you'll get the same back.

[<--Nan's heart!]

Last edited by JayT : 06-16-2009 at 02:46 AM.
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(#367 (permalink))
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06-16-2009, 03:12 AM

Originally Posted by kapilyadav View Post
well i m from india and i m in complete love wid m country..
i came her for an internship,had great expectations from the country..heard lot about japanese people --they are very friendly,very helping,very hospitable..

but yo know what i have been asked many times--Why are you there? What do you do in your spare time? Why Japan?

yes,they treat us like we are inferior to them, but they also treat each other in the same way..i have never seen anybody talking to a stranger here. At the bus stop,itss like pin drop silence,in the bus same situation. Most of the time they sit alone or would rather like standing up then sitting next to a gaijin.

There's no excitement is their lives..everything going in a simple,straightforward manner like no turns..you like it initially when you come here but it starts to get annoying. It's been only 2 weeks and i kind of like it and also dislike it. THis place is beautiful or say something better than beautiful,but the people they wear these masks on their faces. when you go to a departmental store ,they greet you wid those fake smiles and "%&%&*&@###%" in japanese but never never will you find anyone to talk to or speaking to you outside.

Their is no adventure in their lives..i am an extrovert and i m feeling very lonely here. What do these people think about themselves?? I hate this homogeneous society..wid all that makeup on ur face..it pisses me of!!! Comeon you got such a beautiful country ,so natural but look at you guys...everytime under that thick film of makeup
therz an old saying that--a japanese child never sees the face of his mother till death all bcoz of the makeup..n their dressing and hairstyle..no words!!!

what they care about is reducing sound pollution and global warming ?? when their bullet comes out of tunnels ..they says it's a lot of noise and spend billions to find solution...Is that it??
there are more problems in the world..look outside your japan..people die of poverty, therz no water to drink but you people..you suck !!!

one more thing which i noticed, these people always want to live in japan never think about settling in other countries bcoz they never want to come out of there comfort zone,following the same timetable everyday with no changes
I experienced a great deal of friendliness... from the delivery man for the restaurant I ate at most often (his brother lived in LA so he spoke some English) to the Office manager at my school who took me bowling and played tennis with me, to the local housewife who traded English for Japanese lessons (but it was always very informal and friendly, and she often made dinner for me, etc), to the musician in the Hiroshima orchestra who took 45 minutes out of his day to help me find my hostel when I visited the city, to the girl at Dogo onsen who gave me her towel when I didn't have one (most onsens will loan or rent you a towel, but not that one), to the retired train driver on Shikoku who still rode the train each day just to talk to his friends (the other drivers) and struck up a long conversation with me about rural life in the US vs Japan, to the 6 homestays I went on (each of them with very kind and generous families), and so many more stories I couldn't relay them all. But it takes time, you can't say "Why haven't I experienced all that yet?" when you've only been there 2 weeks. I was there 2 years, and the longer I stayed, the more people opened up, the more friends I made, and the more chances I had to meet people willing and able to overcome the language barrier and try talking with me.

JET Program, 1996-98, Wakayama-ken, Hashimoto-shi

Link to pictures from my time in Japan
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(#368 (permalink))
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06-16-2009, 03:26 AM

kapilyadav, just as India has all kind of people and all kinds of cultures, what you describe sounds very different from that Japan I saw. I am just going to assume you are in Tokyo, considering your description. I have traveled from Hokkaido to Kyushu and Tokyo is certainly a unique city unlike any other. Many people think Tokyo is the epitome of Japan, but that is like defining America by the style of LA or India by the style of New Delhi. You have made a lot of bold conclusions in two weeks...I would say see more of the country and live there a little longer
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(#369 (permalink))
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06-16-2009, 04:42 AM

Originally Posted by Gloobey View Post
What`s bad in Japan? Where do you want me to start?
Firstly, it’s probably the most racist country I’ve ever seen. It is not at all uncommon for people to rush on to a packed train, see that I’m a gaigin and head for another seat or stand up rather than sit next to me. The kind of racism I’m talking about is not overt but just accepted. We - by which I mean all foreigners - are second class to them.
Then there is the insincerity of the Japanese in business. Forget all this honour stuff, there is none. They will happily screw you over the first chance they get. They are a very insincere race and, frankly, not very trustworthy.
Then there is this myth of the Japanese being the politest people in the world - rubbish! I have seen more rude and inconsiderate behaviour in this country than anywhere I have ever been - and I am very well traveled. OK, if you go into a restaurant or shop, the service is always good and they always have a smile on their face...but this is them making money. Again, very insincere.
Then, they are just really weird. Every other night, there is a story on TV about someone chopping his sister up and putting her in plastic bags in the bottom of their wardrobe or a wife killing her husband and carrying his head on the train to dump it somewhere. Trust me, they are sick.

To be honest, I don’t understand why you are all so fascinated with this place. I promise you, you would not feel this way if you lived here.

...Public transport is awesome, though.
the way i see it, if they leave their seat it saves you the trouble of standing up or finding a seat. especially on a train. i was on the subway in mexico city, the time i went on it it was packed. some dude tried to grab some womans ass,lol. she got mad and start yelling at him alot. we had to stand the hole 45 minutes we were on that thing.

for restaurants , at least they smile for you. if all they wanted was your money they probably wouldnt have. the people where i live are CRAZY in all sense of the word. you try to order food they drop your plate on the table and just walk away. they people cleaning up , act pissed off because there cleaning up plates from tables.

also murders like that happen everywhere. my dads friends girlfriend dragged him from his apartment tied his foot to the back of her truck and dragged him for about a mile before the rope broke. all along the road there were blood stains and hand prints. they found a small mountain with over 30 bodies buried in it.

"Im too drunk to taste this chicken" - colonel sanders
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(#370 (permalink))
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MMM (Offline)
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06-16-2009, 04:50 AM

Kyousuke, keep in mind that Glooby hasn't signed in to this site since January 2007...this why necroposting bothers me.
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