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(#471 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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03-31-2011, 11:18 AM

Originally Posted by tokusatsufan View Post
Just don't worry about it. Fart right in people's faces if you have to. You'll probably at least get a boyfriend with a fart fetish that way.

how very crude.
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(#472 (permalink))
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03-31-2011, 11:29 AM

Originally Posted by Crystalline View Post
it appears to me that you had a bad experience there. It is still no reason to state that EVERYONE there is racist, or that all those things that you went through are what japan is made of.

I have alot of friends in japan, some of them who are also foreigners like me, and they have never had any "racist" based experiences. Neighbours, co-workers, friends, they all treat them kindly.

Just like someone said in this thread: Japan has its ups and downs, But when compared to other countries out there, it has ALOT of good thing that most western countries couldn´t even dream of having.

It´s all up to one´s personal opinion.

I myself just love it. I even prefer it over my native country.
I brought an Italian friend with me back in 2007 for a 2 weeks trip, and the "racism" he described never happen. People were comfortable sitting beside him, the only time that any one show "extended interest" in him was when we ran into a bunch of school kids at a museum, a couple of them ran up to him taking pictures, almost as if he is part of the exhibit. One kid out of a small group ran up to me and start asking me question of where I "found" this guy, and how come I was able to undersand and speak with him
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(#473 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
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03-31-2011, 02:46 PM

There's only about 100,000 westerners living in Japan. This is only around 1 westerner for every 1,300 Japanese. It's probably considerably higher in places like Tokyo and considerably less in much of the rural parts of the country. So yes you can stand out and many people have had little contact with westerners (in the flesh). It's certainly very different to Australia where I'm originally from where about 1 in every 4 people were born overseas.
If people actively avoid contact with you, which I've experienced on trains before, I don't really see it as racism. Just ignorance and the fear associated with that. It's a bit like if you got on a train and there's some old guy in a dress you're probably unlikely to rush over to sit next to him because he's obviously a bit weird. In Japan in many areas we foreigners are considered weird. It's because we're not Japanese and it is based on our race but it's not malicious in anyway.
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(#474 (permalink))
tokusatsufan (Offline)
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03-31-2011, 05:44 PM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
how very crude.
Oh because you would never engage in such vulgar pursuits. [What I said wasn't even that bad] My post was directly above yours why bother quoting it?
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(#475 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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04-01-2011, 08:44 AM

actually i loathe crudity.
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(#476 (permalink))
tokusatsufan (Offline)
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04-01-2011, 11:01 AM

Well you've massively overreacted! Oh,that was a funny post. Come on. Of all the things I could have said you kick off about that.
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(#477 (permalink))
Wisinivia (Offline)
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09-23-2013, 12:22 AM

A 6 figure reason for gifted young people to leave the US...

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(#478 (permalink))
doodoofan (Offline)
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09-22-2014, 04:01 PM

One thing I don't like about Japan is sexual harassment . I heard a lot about it before going to Japan, but I never actually believed it. I was kind of sexual harassed when I worked at a small restaurant. The owner kept touching my arms, my waist, and saying things to me. It was really disgusting but I couldn't do anything about it. I felt like I was harassed like that because I'm a foreigner.
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(#479 (permalink))
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09-28-2014, 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by doodoofan View Post
I was kind of sexual harassed when I worked at a small restaurant.
When did you experience the harassment?

It was late 1990's when "anti-sexual harassment campaign" begun. Before that time, no Japanese has such concept. Rather, some Japanese males even regarded " sexual harassment" as the expression of friend ship or just a rude behavior at most.

However in the 21st century, they consider seriously about sexual harassment even in Japan. I can not believe such harassment is still taken in Japan nowadays.

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Last edited by RadioKid : 09-28-2014 at 02:35 PM.
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