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what's bad in japan? -
01-16-2007, 02:26 PM
I've never been to Japan, but from what I hear it a wonderful country with wonderful people. And basically every think i hear and i know about Japan is just great
So I'm asking Japanese people and those who live in Japan what's not good or inconvenient in Japan? |
Japan is not very cool at all.... -
01-16-2007, 05:48 PM
What`s bad in Japan? Where do you want me to start?
Firstly, it’s probably the most racist country I’ve ever seen. It is not at all uncommon for people to rush on to a packed train, see that I’m a gaigin and head for another seat or stand up rather than sit next to me. The kind of racism I’m talking about is not overt but just accepted. We - by which I mean all foreigners - are second class to them. Then there is the insincerity of the Japanese in business. Forget all this honour stuff, there is none. They will happily screw you over the first chance they get. They are a very insincere race and, frankly, not very trustworthy. Then there is this myth of the Japanese being the politest people in the world - rubbish! I have seen more rude and inconsiderate behaviour in this country than anywhere I have ever been - and I am very well traveled. OK, if you go into a restaurant or shop, the service is always good and they always have a smile on their face...but this is them making money. Again, very insincere. Then, they are just really weird. Every other night, there is a story on TV about someone chopping his sister up and putting her in plastic bags in the bottom of their wardrobe or a wife killing her husband and carrying his head on the train to dump it somewhere. Trust me, they are sick. To be honest, I don’t understand why you are all so fascinated with this place. I promise you, you would not feel this way if you lived here. ...Public transport is awesome, though. |
01-16-2007, 08:46 PM
the citys, and wich age have they, more teenager or older people? Could u tell us more about it. Quote:
in Japan watch such things. Every country have racist people. Maybe u was unlucky to meet to many of them D: |
01-16-2007, 09:28 PM
![]() Starrin' & Teasin' CandyHolic. I like where you sleep, When you sleep, next to me. I like where you sleep... here Our lips, can touch And our cheeks, can brush Our lips can touch here |
01-17-2007, 01:44 AM
First let me say that the only thing I find lacking is the way you have to go out of your way to eat vegetables and how expensive food is. Plus, I have a few problems with the education system, but it's not my say how they torture their kids. Other than these two, I think Japan is pretty cool.
Gaijin just means foreigner, it is not some sort of racist slur. I often get kakoi gaijin (cool foreigner) or the guys at the bar call me the genki guy (friendly) because I will sit and hang out even though we don't understand half of what the other one is saying. (I should really study more.) Now for my response to some of has been said of Japan's negative aspects. As far as sincerity in Japanese culture they do lack the openess and honest that you find elsewhere because of social customs. Social norms in Japan dictate that you act in a different way around your family and friends than in public and business relations. There are Nihongo words for which mean public face and private face. Their politicians often blatantly lie to them and everyone knows they're lying but they still go, "Oh, what a nice thing to say or that sounds like a good idea." Another example of how this works, the teachers at school all act like they love each other and get along fabulously. Outside of school, they will go home and bitch and complain about their coworkers to their families. Why do they act this way? They say it is to make society run more smoothly. Yes, they give little gifts to one another to give the impression that they like everyone but in reality they (some of them) do it because its expected of them. But hey, it is their culture and they can do with it whatever they like. Racism in Japan does exist but it rarely manifests in to action unlike say a lynching in the US. When you go to any country where you are not easily blending in with the majority, you are going to attract attention anyways in both directions good and bad. Half Japanese kids in Japan do have problems in some schools, but the schools have a larger overall problem with bullying anyways. Maybe I just don't notice dirty looks any more or rudeness, but I learned a long time ago how to ignore the ignorant from the racist people in the US. Yeah, racism is everywhere so you just learn to brush it off. Anyways, I gotta go to class. There certainly is a lot of naivete on JF about the reality in Japan, but you can't say it is totally opposite from these perceptions and all bad. Ja ne... |
01-17-2007, 09:17 AM
You seem to be in denial here, let me address your points in more detail...
01-17-2007, 09:25 AM
Japan is a country, just like any other country in the world. There are good things and there are bad things. There are kind people and there are rude people. I seriously doubt there is any country in the world that everything is perfect in.
One particular thing I don`t like about the way Gloobey worded things is that he said it in a way that bashes Japanese *culture*. Cultures are different the world over - No culture is *right* or *wrong*. It`s just the way that society has developed. To interpret cultural differences as rude or insincere is, to put it frankly, racist. You`re saying that YOUR way of doing things is superior, and that you`re doing it right... Anything other than that is wrong. The biggest thing I dislike about Japan is having to encounter westerners who think they know everything, and interpret it all as racism or discrimination to suit their own views. ![]() I personally live in a fairly large metropolitan area, and have lived in the countryside... And I have NEVER encountered anything I would consider racism. A few people have looked at me strangely, but when you walk into a tiny family-run shop in the middle of the mountains and look drastically different from everyone else, I think it`s a bit to be expected. Oh, and I have been asked a few times if I could speak Japanese. If people are avoiding so much as sitting near you on the train.... Maybe there is more of a problem with you than your race. I`ve never been treated any differently than any other person on trains and buses. Or maybe you haven`t noticed that most everyone avoids sitting next to anyone if they don`t have to... As for other "bad" stuff... The idiotic amount of money spent on building new roads that really have no meaning each year. And the lack of connection those in the government have with reality. (The White Collar Exemption reducing overtime!? You`ve got to be kidding...) As a driver, I hate taxis. They`ll literally run right into you to get ahead. |
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