04-07-2009, 09:27 AM
sry nyororin, i completely misunderstood u.
well, if a japanese person can take a foreign last name, for instance at the time of marriage, i don't understand why a foreigner can't keep his name (with the exception of having to katakana-ise it). and i though (a big thought) the japanese naming conventions were basically only to prohibit indecent names. 蒼天(そうてん)翔(か)ける日輪(にちりん)の 青春の覇気 美(うるわ)しく 輝く我が名ぞ 阪神タイガース ※オウ オウ オウオウ 阪神タイガース フレ フレ フレフレ |
04-07-2009, 10:06 AM
これぞ島国の国民性丸出しだな。 |
04-07-2009, 10:21 AM
And, by the way, you cannot change your name to one with kanji unless your original name included them (Chinese, etc). Even if you do take the Japanese family name, it will be registered in katakana. You can register an official alias using the kanji, but you cannot have a kanji name unless you naturalize. Quote:
04-07-2009, 10:47 AM
言ってることは島国ならではの考えだとおもいますね。 欧米では、外国人が帰化するときに名前をかえるという きまりがないのに、どうも納得できませんな。 強いて言えば洗脳か? WIKIPEDIAで調べてみたけど、帰化するときに、必ずしも名 前を変える必要がないようですが、確かに薦められる行 為のようです… 恐るべし。 |
04-07-2009, 12:56 PM
04-07-2009, 01:32 PM
My British passport will reflect the change in my name in the Roman alphabet although my name on official Japanese documents will be in Katakana with a Kanji family name |
04-08-2009, 11:40 AM
Unless you really are naturalized, the kanji version will always remain an alias. |
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