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(#11 (permalink))
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05-05-2009, 06:15 PM

Originally Posted by Flybomberv2 View Post
Um, see, that is a little to unusual. In fact, I may be wrong but I don't think there are Muslims even in most of the Asian area.
Um hello!!!

Ever heard of Malaysia? Indonesia?

Not to mention many Asian countries have large muslim minorities (Thailand, the Phillipines, China, India)
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(#12 (permalink))
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05-06-2009, 06:15 AM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
Um hello!!!

Ever heard of Malaysia? Indonesia?

Not to mention many Asian countries have large muslim minorities (Thailand, the Phillipines, China, India)
you are absolutely right! there are a lot of muslims in Asia, and I am just scared that the Japanese in universities and work areas would treat me less than their own kind. I have no problems when it comes to answering any questions that have to do with my hijab, i get all the time living in canada. people in my school always asked me, and i would give them the "religious" answer... they would fing it interesting! I just hope they wont think I'm a Terrorist or something because of all the things they see and hear from TV (americans)...
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(#13 (permalink))
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05-06-2009, 06:31 AM

Originally Posted by nukiuchi View Post
you are absolutely right! there are a lot of muslims in Asia, and I am just scared that the Japanese in universities and work areas would treat me less than their own kind. .

they won't!@!!!

Cheers - Oz
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05-07-2009, 01:45 AM

Once I had a muslim girl in a same office (in London, in 2000 I mean before 11/Sep/2001). There, I liked to talk her but could not because I believe muslim people should have strict rule of themselves and I was afraid I could step in un-allowed area of muslim.

I mean I could not find if I am allowed to talk to muslim girl without other's introduction.

At last I have short talk with her but I was so scared and could not enjoy it.

Generally, Japanese people are said to be shy but it is not true.
Japanese are somtimes too careful to communicate with people of other culture.

So, Nukiuchi, I recommend you to talk to Japanese around you friendly if your religion allows. They will seem to be not friendly but they are just scared to be against your religional rules.

Language makes Culture and Culture makes Language.

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05-07-2009, 04:49 AM

Originally Posted by nukiuchi View Post
This will still not effect my love towards Japan and everything Japanese, because I am in love with this beautiful country ever since I could remember ( 4-5 years old watching animes and favoring Japanese cooking).
Is anyone else concerned with this comment? I see a few people once in a while wearing a hijab and that won't make you stick out anymore than any other foreigner. Have you been to Japan before? The true problem may not be Japanese society accepting you, but you accepting Japan for what it is.

I'm also kind of an 'otaku' but I didnt arrive here with an image of what Japan would be for me so it works. If you believe Japan is like animes portray then a little more thought should be put into this idea of moving.
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(#16 (permalink))
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05-07-2009, 05:45 AM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
I don't think you'd get stares in the hijab...

If you insisted on wearing the burqa on the other hand.... Maybe they'd just think you were a ninja cosplayer haha

The things that come to those who wait are the things that are left by those who got there first !
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(#17 (permalink))
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Angry 05-07-2009, 06:34 AM

Originally Posted by kcyk8703 View Post
Is anyone else concerned with this comment? I see a few people once in a while wearing a hijab and that won't make you stick out anymore than any other foreigner. Have you been to Japan before? The true problem may not be Japanese society accepting you, but you accepting Japan for what it is.

I'm also kind of an 'otaku' but I didnt arrive here with an image of what Japan would be for me so it works. If you believe Japan is like animes portray then a little more thought should be put into this idea of moving.
Anime is NOT why I want to go to Japan and it is NOT what I see Japan as! I was only interested in animes until I was 13 years old, now i only read 1 manga per year... With each year I have learned more and more about the Japanese and their life. Their way of living, work, education, culture, religion EVERYTHING!!!! and i have loved and adored every point and detail, top to bottom!

I have never went to Japan before and from all those dairies, blogs, and stories that people write about on their trip to Japan and how they get treated as gaijin, that's what scared me a little.

but i know japan for what it is as a breath taking nation that provides beauty and hopeful opprotunities for the future for all who resign within in. I love nippon for the country it is, not for the false media other countries see it as.
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(#18 (permalink))
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05-07-2009, 06:49 AM

Originally Posted by nukiuchi View Post
Anime is NOT why I want to go to Japan and it is NOT what I see Japan as! I was only interested in animes until I was 13 years old, now i only read 1 manga per year... With each year I have learned more and more about the Japanese and their life. Their way of living, work, education, culture, religion EVERYTHING!!!! and i have loved and adored every point and detail, top to bottom!

I have never went to Japan before and from all those dairies, blogs, and stories that people write about on their trip to Japan and how they get treated as gaijin, that's what scared me a little.

but i know japan for what it is as a breath taking nation that provides beauty and hopeful opprotunities for the future for all who resign within in. I love nippon for the country it is, not for the false media other countries see it as.
The consensus seems to point in your favour so let us know when you are going and how things are.

Have a good trip

Cheers - Oz
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(#19 (permalink))
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05-07-2009, 06:55 AM

I meant no disrespect nukiuchi, I've met a few people who have been totally shocked/disappointed with Japan due to the fact that they came here believing life was tv, movies, animes portray it as. I think its better to get a kick in the ass by a reality check than to come and waste your time/money on a false image. Seems you have a strong grasp of what you want to accomplish, I wish you the best of luck.

When you do land in Japan, dont pay much attention to being treated like a foreigner, just enjoy your time and do what you set out to do. As for being treated as a foreigner, that can't be helped, you're a foreigner. Can't expect to land in another country and expect to be treated as a citizen.
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(#20 (permalink))
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05-07-2009, 07:21 AM

I think it would be appropriate if VampireGirl gave her opinion on this thread

Cheers - Oz
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