visa extension question -
08-26-2009, 04:48 PM
Hi, as i mentioned in my 1st post earlier my Boyfriend has a 1 year work visa, however the English School he works for will not renew his visa, saying he didn't work enough hours, even though he never called out or was late or anything, but whatever. The point is that now he needs to find a new job and a new sponsor because his visa expires at the end of next month (Sept 26). So to buy some more time, i was thinking he should apply. for a visa extension at immigration next week (on his day off) . How does he go about this? is there a special form we can print out ahead of time and who do we talk to at immigration? how do i say visa extension in Japanese? (i'm not that good yet) and most importantly, how long does immigration typically grant for an extension, 3 months? 6 months? just wondering if anyone knows. ofcourse i will conduct my own research as well,but it would be great is someone could help.