Originally Posted by Fumouffu
Good evening, guys! I have a question!
How well does an Asian Studies (Japanese) major with a minor in Economics do?
I've thought things over and I most definitely am going to major in Asian Studies (Japanese). I will either minor in English or Economics. I'm interested in both so either or would work. But I am curious about everyone's opinions on an Economics minor. How far could I get with this? Would I be well off? I will be staying in Japan for some years afterwards; would this get me a job in Japan? And what about coming back to America? Can I go back and forth? Thank you, everyone! Any answer I get I'll take to heart! I appreciate it very much! 
I believe MMM majored in Japanese (Language) and was able to work as a translator, so maybe thats something you can consider?
I don't know much about the business world myself, but talking to my friends, Econmoics is not something that have a lot of opportunites out there. The degree itself is great, but working in that field will be difficult. And definitely, jobs for an Econ major is not just "everywhere" that you would want to be hopping back and forth between countries.
One thing you MAY consider is taking something in engineering. One of my friend from university landed a job with Panasonic years ago, she fly between Canada and Japan all the time. I'd say 40% of her time she works in Japan, so maybe something similar will be an option???