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Mulan (Offline)
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looking for a Shodo-lexicon - 06-24-2011, 05:53 AM

I live in Germany and I am looking for a prticular Shodo daijiten:

Shotai jiten: Akai Kiyomi hen. Tōkyōdō Shuppan. Shōwa 49
[1974] - 書体字典. 赤井清美(編). 東京: 東京堂出版, 1974. (昭和49).

It seems as if there are several books of the same name. But i mean that edition from 1974. viz. here:
Rico's Room : 『書体字典/赤井清美編/東京堂出版』中古で、GETしました!の巻♪

If you find it for me, please tell me how much it would cost and how I could pay.

Thanks a lot!

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Searcher (Offline)
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07-06-2011, 02:10 AM


I found this forum and read your story in the first few pages (we have 127 pages now and I don't think i have time to read all of them). I have some question to ask regarding living in Japan. Hope you don't mind.

You mentioned that you use 100% Japanese in your life and only use English online or once in a while, so I might as well start using Japanese to communicate (as practice for me, I guess).

日本に住みたいです。そう言っても、まだ決まっていま せん。
僕の出身は台湾ですが、今はカナダに住んでいます。台 湾とカナダの国籍が両方あります。
去年、カナダから日本に留学しに行きました(九ヶ月) 。そして、彼女ができました。でも、日本人じゃありま せん。彼女は僕と同じ留学生です。恥ずかしいですが、 自分と同じ言葉をしゃべる人に、友たちになりやすいよ うです。 (日本語の勉強によくないと分かってのに)
今は僕はカナダにいて、会計のdiplomaのことをがんばっ� �います。彼女は今月中国に帰ります。でも、これから� �問題です。
僕たちはカナダに住みたくありません。そして、台湾や 中国の給料が少ないです。彼女は、日本で4日のバイト の給料と中国で大学卒業の会社員の一ヶ月の給料と同じ ぐらいだと言っていました。
日本の環境はよくて、その文化が好きですから、将来は 日本に住むのはいいかなと思って・・・
ネットでサーチしても、一番最初から、どうやって日本 にいって、仕事を探して、国に帰らなくて、そのまま日 本に十年住むのはどこでも探さなかったです。見つかっ たのは、「日本人になる条件は、日本に10年住むこと 」
「どうやって日本に行くのか」と「どうやって日本に住 むのか」分かりません。
僕と彼女は日本人じゃありません。日本に住みたかった ら、どうやって始まりますか?何か方法がありませんか ?



Last edited by Searcher : 07-06-2011 at 06:06 AM.
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07-06-2011, 07:33 AM

Originally Posted by Searcher View Post
僕たちはカナダに住みたくありません。そして、台湾や 中国の給料が少ないです。
給料は確かに少ないのかもしれませんが、生活費も安い のではないでしょうか。

彼女は、日本で4日のバイトの給料と中国で大学卒業の 会社員の一ヶ月の給料と同じぐらいだと言っていました 。
さすがにそこまでの差はないと思います。日本と台湾で 工場を経営してる知り合いがいるのですが、台湾の方の 給料が日本の約半分だと言ってました。そして生活にか かるお金が日本の半分以下だと・・・ どこもそうとは 限らないけど、少なくとも台湾での給料が台湾での生活 費に合ってると思います。

「どうやって日本に行くのか」と「どうやって日本に住 むのか」分かりません。
仕事ぐらいしかないですね。他のスレでは詳しく書いて あると思います。

彼女の状況が分かりませんが、カナダの国籍を持ってい るのならワーキング・ホリデービザを使って日本での仕 事を探すのも手だと思います。


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missINSANEapple (Offline)
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07-28-2011, 12:46 PM

Wow, i would just like to say, YOU MY HERO! lol but its true, you came from such a hard life back in your birth home and now you found happiness.
I can only wish to be like you, though i'm only 15 i may have to wait, but maybe it'll be worth it.
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It's been my dream to live in Japan!! - 08-12-2011, 03:03 PM

I know this is an old thread but I hope you or someone can answer me. By the way, congrats on making it out and I wish you lots of happiness

Hi, my name is Catherine. I've always dreamed of having the chance to be able to live in Japan. A vacation wouldn't be enough for me. I love the Japanese culture and it would be an honor to be apart of it. I am also shy and very respectful. I feel that I would be able to fit in. I currently live in the U.S. with my boyfriend and we really do not like this country. I've tried to find ways that we could live a comfortable life in Japan. It seems the only way for us to do so would be to teach English but we don't have bachelors degrees and right now my boyfriend is going to a trade school for computer networking. It would be selfish of me to ask him to go back to school afterwards to get a degree, plus it would take too long. I'm 23 and my boyfriend is 21. We plan on getting married as soon as we save enough money. I was hoping there might be another way for us to live in Japan instead of teaching English. I'm aslo afraid we might not find jobs that pay well enough for us to live on. We would do whatever it takes to make this possible. Do you think we have a chance? And do you know that opportunities for us that may be available?

Last edited by Catherine514 : 08-12-2011 at 03:12 PM.
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JoinTeamSammy (Offline)
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08-15-2011, 01:05 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I`m happy to talk online with anyone who wants...
The girl who screwed us over seemed really serious... before she got here and for the first week or so. After that she seemed to think that by sitting around in her room, playing video games, and randomly flipping through our manga that she would somehow magically become fluent. I guess she believed Japan was some magical paradise where you never had to put forth any sort of effort to accomplish anything. When I forced her to go out and attend some free Japanese classes, she freaked out and started blaming me for ruining her trip to Japan and destroying her dream, etc etc.

It really sucked. Yes, real life does continue even when you`re in a different country.

And I guess I forgot to mention, I`m female. :P
wow that sucked even for her man.. im def interested on what you have to say because im planning on the move in 2013 i just hope your still around ^^
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dinkot (Offline)
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Question hi, warm greeting from Indonesia~ - 08-15-2011, 09:40 PM

This thread is indeed very interesting & totally captured my attention, that I even had to finally registered & joined this forum. I personally have to thank the OP (@Nyororin) for creating such an informative thread like this, and not to mention also of how humble he(she?) is in explaining things, which I rarely (& sadly) saw in many other forums on living-in-Japan. Many would usually bash and saying bad & offensive remarks like "you're such an otaku! a geek! don't dream, o nerd, or japanophile!" or something like that!

And now, for a very brief intro: I am from Indonesia, 29 yrs old this year, graduated already with Bachelor Degree (in Business Finance & Management), now helping my dad, but my real dreams, passion & talents have always been in MUSIC. yes, I am also a musician/songwriter/composer, although still an Indie one in my country

And I've always, always loved Japanese culture.
I don't care if actually people calling me "otaku", "Japanophile" etc (everybody is entitled to their own opinion), but the thing is: I have always loved Japanese music (Jpop/Jrock), anime, video games, movies, culture, the "music culture" and its vibrant music scene, the variations of the 'modern' Tokyo and the 'traditional' Kyoto, sakura trees, japanese food, etc etc..but what draws me the Most is probably the MUSIC, as a musician myself.
so to finally be able to live in Japan, and ideally, work as a composer/musician, either as a 'foreign/international/overseas artist' or as a composer for video-game/anime would totally be a real highest dreams-come-true for me!

So my quick questions for now to @Nyororin (OP) before I continue further is:

1. Is it still possible and there's still an "easy way" (or 'easier' way) for me, at this current age, to live in Japan?
2. And is it actually possible (still), at my current age, to study japanese, and then right-away go live there, and try to make a career as a musician/composer there?
3. and will there still be a 'racism' issue, as I myself am from Indonesia, but my ethnicity is Chinese. I always long for all people/humans to live together and never have racism in daily life, but unfortunately I know Reality is often not like that.. so that's why I want to ask first about this issue,.does it still heavily exist in the "modern 21st Japan" today, or not that much anymore actually?

Would really hope to get some answers back from the OP @Nyororin , or from anyone here who knows and can help answering some of my questions & curiosity above.

And last but not least, for some samples of my music compositions, please come visit my website here: Niki Wonoto's Project (for a calm, sweet, and tranquil journey in Music...for your Soul), hope you guys like and can enjoy the music

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SHAD0W (Offline)
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08-20-2011, 01:16 PM


Whats the best shop to buy video games in japan? While I was there I saw many independent retailers with a small range of items that were reasonably priced or big chains like toys r us with a large range but extreme prices.

Any suggestions?

I'm sorry for all the bad stuff I said and all the feelings I hurt.. Please forgive me
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08-20-2011, 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by SHAD0W View Post

Whats the best shop to buy video games in japan? While I was there I saw many independent retailers with a small range of items that were reasonably priced or big chains like toys r us with a large range but extreme prices.

Any suggestions?
Use all available options.
Big chains tend to have great wagon sales. Smaller shops tend to have better base prices, and a much larger selection of used games. Amazon will often have the best prices earliest - for preorders or release day.

I could give you the absolute best shops for the best deals in my area (we're pretty serious gamers here... Or at least game collectors) but I doubt it would help much in different areas.

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08-20-2011, 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by dinkot View Post
so to finally be able to live in Japan, and ideally, work as a composer/musician, either as a 'foreign/international/overseas artist' or as a composer for video-game/anime would totally be a real highest dreams-come-true for me!

1. Is it still possible and there's still an "easy way" (or 'easier' way) for me, at this current age, to live in Japan?
2. And is it actually possible (still), at my current age, to study japanese, and then right-away go live there, and try to make a career as a musician/composer there?
3. and will there still be a 'racism' issue, as I myself am from Indonesia, but my ethnicity is Chinese. I always long for all people/humans to live together and never have racism in daily life, but unfortunately I know Reality is often not like that.. so that's why I want to ask first about this issue,.does it still heavily exist in the "modern 21st Japan" today, or not that much anymore actually?

Please permit poor English. orz
Cryptanalysis is necessary for you.
set a goal:English at the same level as Johan Cruyff
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