Originally Posted by TokyoFerrari
First of all, I am from Hawaii. Lahaina, Maui. Yes i am white. and no I do not hate on people who want to live here. I just want you to make sure you know what your getting into. When reality of living in japan slaps you in the face, it can be very tough. I respect everone in this forum. I want to make sure all of you see the good as well as the bad. By all means, EVERYONE cone to Japan. Help open their eyes. Just understand you will not be nor will ever be Japanese. Even if your 100% japanese blood from another part of the world. You will never be....Japanese.
i tend to disagree on this one. being japanese is just an ethnic background status. i understand what you are trying to say when you say that only native born japanese will ever be full japanese, but i believe that is wrong. in many of the other threads, it's quite easy for a non-native person of any ethnicity to take an interest in the japanese culture and to immerse themselves in it 100 percent as you are doing now.
being anything, regardless of the ethnicity is all in the eyes of the beholder. many people would probably love to be japanese, yet at the other end of the spectrum, i'm sure that a lot of japanese people are dying to get out of japan and move to america. it's the same thing back and forth and for those who succeed and give up their citizenship, i think that they deserve a lot of credit.