Heeeoo there^___^
My name is Melissa (short MeLLi) and I come from Germany.
I'm 16 years old and a total japan-freak..xDD
I learn japanese for 2 years now, but I began to study it properly three months ago.
My dream is it to speak proper japanese and to move to japan someday..^___^
I'm looking for japanese friends. I don't have any wishes how they have to be. I'd be happy about anyone^___^
It would be very good if you like jROCK, too. Bands like BUCK-TICK(my favourite band),the GazettE, naitomea or D'espairsRay...
or maybe you like anime(especially naruto) as much as me..I'm an anime fan since I was little..xDDstill love it.
all these possibilities are just extras..^___^
Would be nice if someone would like to be friends..^__^
jaa ne.....Byebye